8 March 2025
Dr. Mohammad Reza Ay
Professor of Medical Physics,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Academic Background
- 1995
B.Sc. Degree in Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shiraz University School of Engineering – Shiraz - Iran
Thesis: "Design and Implementation of a Random Number Generator (RNG) for Cryptography", Supervisor: M. Masnadi (Shiraz University), H. Vazifedoust (Sagem Representative in Iran: SAIRAN). Garde: 20/20
- 1998
M.Sc. Degree in Medical Radiation
Faculty of Physics, Tehran Polytechnic University - Tehran - Iran
Thesis: "3D Monte Carlo Simulation of Coincidence Systems", Supervisors: Dr. ME.H. Ashrafi (Surry University, UK), Dr. H. Afarideh (Atomic Energy organization of Iran). Grade: 19.5/20
- 2004
Ph.D. Degree in Medical Radiation
Faculty of Physics, Tehran Polytechnic University, Tehran, Iran
Thesis: "Monte Carlo Modeling of x-ray Computed Tomography: Application in the Assessment of CT-Based Attenuation Correction in PET/CT systems", Supervisors: Dr. S. Sarkar (Tehran University), Dr. S. Sardari (Polytechnic University), Dr. H. Zaidi (Geneva University). Advisor: Dr. M. Shahriari (Shahid Beheshti University). Grade: Excellent
- 2006
Ph.D. Degree in Medical Physics
Faculty of Science, Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland
Thesis: "Monte Carlo and Experimental Assessment of CT-Based Attenuation Correction in PET", Supervisor: PD Dr. H. Zaidi (Geneva University), Advisor: Pr. Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy (Geneva University). Grade: Excellent
. Director of National Brain Mapping Lab, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry to Health
. Member of Technology Committee, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
. Member of Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Head of Research Center for Molecular and Cellular Imaging, Institute for Advanced Medical Technologies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Editor in Chief, Frontiers in Biomedical Technology, the official scientific quarterly publication of the Institute of Medical Technologies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Senior Researcher, PET Instrumentation and Neuroscience Lab, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland
. CEO and Founder of Parto Neghar Persia Co. a Knowledge Based Company
. Radiation Safety Officer, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Medical Physicist, PET/CT and Cyclotron Center, Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine, Shariati Hospital, till 2013
. Deputy of Education, Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, till 2012
. Head Medical Imaging Research Groups, Research Center for Molecular and Cellular Imaging , Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Deputy of International Affairs, Research Center for Science and Technology in Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Editor in Chief, Frontiers in Biomedical Technology the official scientific quarterly publication of the Institute of Medical Technologies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Head of The Preclinical Core Facility of Tehran University of Medical SciencesThe Preclinical Core Facility of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
. Director of Pre clinical core Facility.Tehran University of Medical Science
Academic Honors
, The recipient of a 2016 second rank on Innovators and Inventors
20th Razi International Festival in Medical Sciences, Tehran, February, 2016
, The recipient of a 2014 Applied Researches Award
27th Khwarizmi International Festival, Tehran, March, 2014
, The recipient of a 2014 Jorjani Award (Educational Excellence at the University)
15th Avesina Festival, Tehran, March, 2014
, The recipient of a 2013 first rank on Innovators and Inventors
18th Razi International Festival in Medical Sciences, Tehran, February, 2013
, Foundation of National Genius, Iran
The recipient of Research Grant for young Investigator
, International Union Against Cancer
The recipient of the ICRETT Transfer Technology Grant No. ICR/07/160 / 2007
, The recipient of a 2006 IEEE MIC Trainee Award
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, October 29 –November 4, 2006
, The recipient of a 2006 Young Investigator Award
12th Razi International Festival in Medical Sciences, Tehran, December 12, 2006
, Geneva University, Switzerland
Achieving the Swiss National Science Foundation grant SNSF 3152A0-102143 for PhD program in Geneva University
, Tehran Polytechnic University, Iran
Achieving first position in admission exam entering PhD program in Polytechnic University
, Tehran Polytechnic University, Iran
Named as Top student among Nuclear Engineering M.S. students
, Tehran Polytechnic University, Iran
Achieving second position in admission exam entering M.S. degree program in IRAN i.e. 2nd among 7500 participants
Journal Editorial
Editor in Chief, Frontiers in Biomedical Technology the official scientific quarterly publication of the Institute of Medical Technologies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Member of the Editorial Board, Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Biology
Member of the Editorial Board, The Open Journal of Medical Imaging
Member of the Editorial Board, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine
International and National Patent
US Patent, Pub. No. US 8,503,748 B2, Non Linear Recursive Filter for Medical Image Processing
US patent, Pn 15829808, Peak detection in a two dimensional image
US patent, Pn 15847809, Positron range reduction in positron emission tomography imaging
US patent, Pn 9986960, Robotic system for SPECT imaging
Us patent, Pn 15920426, Single photon emission computed tomography imaging with a spinning parallel-slat collimator
US patent, Desktop open-gantry spect imaging system
Us patent, A n 16533820, Altering paths of optical photons passing through a scintillator
Iran Patent 2013/80617.Adjustable FOV for Rat and Mice Imaging In HIReSPECT scanner
Iran Patent 2013/80821,A Filter for Processing of High Count Rate Detectors.
Iran Patent 2013/82892, Reaolution Recovery Reconstruction in Animal SPECT system.
Us Patent , Application No US16/746,447,Normalization of a positron emission tomography scanner
Developed Imaging and Measurement Systems
High Resolution Animal SPECT Imaging System (HiReSPECT)
Infra Operative Gamma Camera (SurgoSight)
Gamma Probe (SurgeoGuide)
Urea Breath Test System, UBT (HeliGuide)
Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Imaging System (RoboSPECT)
Cardiac SPECT Imaging:ProSPECT Model
High Resolution Animal PET Imaging System (Xtim PET)
Whole body SPECT Imaging System
All in one Gamma Probe(Gamma Pen)
Book Chapters
M.R. Ay
and N. Ghazanfari "Hybrid Imaging, PET/CT, in HANDBOOK OF SMALL ANIMAL IMAGING, Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications", George C. Kagadis et al. , Editors. 2016, Tylor & Francis Books, Inc.
2- Anahita Fathi Kazeroni, Mohammad Hadi Arabi, M.R.Ay "Generation of MR-Based Attenuation Correction Map of PET Images in the Brain Employing Joint segmentation of Skull ans Soft and Soft-Tissue from Single Short-0TE MR Imaging", Spring International Publishing Switzerland, 2015
M.R. Ay
and P. Geramifar "Positron Emission Tomography: Physics, Instrumentation, Scanners and New Horizons", 2014, Royan Pazhoh, Inc., Tehran, Iran, ISBN-13: 9786007108543
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Analytical and Monte Carlo modeling of x-ray spectra in mammography, in Emerging Technologies in Breast Imaging and Mammography", J.S. Suri, R.M. Rangayyan, and S. Laxminarayan, Editors. 2006, American Scientific Publishers: Valencia, CA. ISBN: 1-58883-090-X, 2006, pp 25-44
M.R. Ay
"Cyclotrons in nuclear medicine, in Comprehensive book on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Therapy Systems", J. Shokohi, A.A. Ameri, and H.R. Sagha, Editors. 2003, Andishe Rafi Publisher: Tehran, Iran. pp. 1742-1756
M.R. Ay
"Introduction to PET and PET/CT systems, in Comprehensive book on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Therapy Systems", J. Shokohi, A.A. Ameri, and H.R. Sagha, Editors. 2003, Andishe Rafi Publisher: Tehran, Iran. pp. 1757-1781
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
1- Tanha, Kaveh; Ghadiri, Hossein; Ay, Mohammadreza "Effects of Sex, Fasting, and Anesthesia Agents on SUVmean in FDG-PET Imaging of 4T1 Tumor-Bearing Mice: A Quantitative Evaluation during a 120-Minute Scan.", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2025,V 12,p 1
2- Tahereh Zare, Sanaz Hariri Tabrizi, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Behnoosh Teimourian Fard, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Hossein Farahani, Mohammad Reza Ay "Evaluation of Tail Fitting Scatter Correction on Image Quantification of Xtrim_PET: A Simulation Study.", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2025,V12,p1
3- Kaveh Tanha, Mohammad Seyedabadi, Hossein Ghadiri, Mohammadreza Ay "Quantitative Analysis of Radionuclide Distribution Alterations in Mice Induced by Music Exposure During FDG-PET Scan.", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2025.V 12
4- Tahereh Zare, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Behnoosh Teimourian Fard, Sanaz Hariri Tabrizi, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Hossein Farahani, Mohammad Reza Ay "The Effect of Attenuation Correction on Image Uniformity of Xtrim_PET: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study.", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2025,V 12,
5- Ali Abdulhasan Kadhim1 , Peyman Sheikhzadeh1, 2* ,Mehrshad Abbasi 2 , Saeed Afshar 2 , Nasim Vahidfar 2 , Shirin Asidkar 3 , Mehrnoosh Karimipourfard4 , Zahra Valibeiglou 5 , Mohammad Reza Ay "Investigating Patient-Specific Absorbed Dose Assessment for Copper-64 PET/CT ", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2025,Vol. 12, No. 4
6- Zare, Tahereh; Sheikhzadeh, Peyman; Teimourian Fard, Behnoosh; Ghafarian, Pardis; Ay, Mohammad Reza "Design and Performance Evaluation of SiPM-based High-resolution Dedicated Brain Positron Emission Tomography Scanner: A Simulation Study", Journal of Medical Physics,2024,V 49,P 631-641
7- Seyyed Ali Hosseini, Ghasem Hajianfar, Pardis Ghaffarian, Milad Seyfi, Elahe Hosseini, Atlas Haddadi Aval, Stijn Servaes, Mauro Hanaoka, Pedro Rosa-Neto, Sanjeev Chawla, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "PET radiomics-based lymphovascular invasion prediction in lung cancer using multiple segmentation and multi-machine learning algorithms", Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine,2024,P1-13
8- Ali Ghafari, Mahsa Shahrbabaki Mofrad, Nima Kasraie, Mohammad Reza Ay, Negisa Seyyedi, Peyman Sheikhzadeh "PET Images Enhancement Using Deep Training of Reconstructed Images with Bayesian Penalized Likelihood Algorithm", Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2024,P 1-8
9- Bahador Bahadorzadeh, Reza Faghihi, Sedigheh Sina, Ahdiyeh Aghaz, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Design and implementation of continuous bed motion (CBM) in Xtrim preclinical PET scanner for whole-body Imaging: MC simulation and experimental measurements", Physica Medica,2024,V 123,P 103395
10- Aram Radnia, Amirhossein Alikhani, Behnoosh Teimourian, Mahyar Youser Nejad, Mohammad Hossein Farahani, Fakhereh Pashaei, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Development of novel and low-cost readout electronics for large FOV gamma camera detector", Physica Medica,2024,V 121
11- Bahador Bahadorzadeh, Reza Faghihi, Sedigheh Sina, Ahdiyeh Aghaz, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Implementation of the wobbling technique with spatial resolution enhancement approach in the Xtrim-PET preclinical scanner: Monte Carlo simulation and performance evaluation", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2024,
12- Seyyed Ali Hosseini, Isaac Shiri, Pardis Ghaffarian, Ghasem Hajianfar, Atlas Haddadi Avval, Milad Seyfi, Stijn Servaes, Pedro Rosa-Neto, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "The effect of harmonization on the variability of PET radiomic features extracted using various segmentation methods", Annals of Nuclear Medicine,2024,P 1-15
13- Ali Ghafari, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Negisa Seyyedi, Mehrshad Abbasi, Shadab Ahamed, Mohammad Reza Ay, Arman Rahmim "Automated deep identification of radiopharmaceutical type and body region from PET images", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2024
14- Mohammad-Saber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Navid Zeraatkar, Mahboubeh-Sadat Hosseini, Amirhossein Sanaat, Habibollah Dadgar, Hossein Arabi "Deep learning-based partial volume correction in standard and low-dose positron emission tomography-computed tomography imaging", Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery,2024,V 14, P 2146
15- MohammadSaber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Navid Zeraatkar, Mahboube-Sadat Hosseini, Amirhossein Sanaat, Hossein Arabi "Attention-based deep neural network for partial volume correction in brain 18F-FDG PET imaging", Physica Medica, 2024,V 119
16- Hadi Rezaei, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Design and performance evaluation of partial geometry configurations of total-body PET: A Monte Carlo study", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2024,V 32,P 52-59
17- Samira Abbaspour, Maedeh Barahman, Hamid Abdollahi, Hossein Arabalibeik, Ghasem Hajianfar, Mohammadreza Babaei, Hamed Iraji, Mohammadreza Barzegartahamtan, Mohammadreza Ay, Seied Rabi Mahdavi "Multimodality radiomics prediction of radiotherapy-induced the early proctitis and cystitis in rectal cancer patients: A machine learning study", Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express,2023
18- Mahak Osouli Alamdari, Pardis Ghafarian, Arman Rahmim, Mehrdad Bakhshayesh-Karam, Mohammad Reza Ay "Impact of random and scattered coincidences from outside of field of view on positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging with different reconstruction protocols", Nuclear Science and Techniques,2023, V34,P 1-13
19- Hadi Rezaei, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Pardis Ghafarian, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Accurate modeling and performance evaluation of a total‐body pet scanner using Monte Carlo simulations", Medical Physics,2023, V 50,P6815-6827
20- Fatemeh Sadeghi, Peyman Sheikhzadeh* , Saeed Farzanehfar , Pardis Ghafarian*, Yalda Moafpurian and Mohammadreza Ay "The effects of various penalty parameter values in Q.Clear algorithm for rectal cancer detection on 18F‑FDG images using a BGO‑based PET/CT scanner: a phantom and clinical study", EJNMMI physics,2023,V 10,P 63
21- Hamidreza Hemmati, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Pardis Ghafarian, Arman Rahmim, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "List-mode quantitative joint reconstruction of activity and attenuation maps in Time-of-Flight PET", Journal of Instrumentation,V 18,P P09041
22- Ali Abdulhasan Kadhim, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Mehrshad Abbasi, Nasim Vahidfar, Saeed Afshar, Mohsen Bakhshi Kashi, Negisa Seyyedi, Mohammad Reza Ay "FEASIBILITY OF [64CU] CU-TRASTUZUMAB PET/CT IMAGING IN BREAST CANCER: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW", Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 2023,V 30, P 2375-2385
23- Fatemeh Sadeghi, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Nima Kasraie, Saeed Farzanehfar, Mehrshad Abbasi, Yalda Salehi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Phantom and clinical evaluation of Block Sequential Regularized Expectation Maximization (BSREM) Reconstruction Algorithm in 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT Studies", Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, V 3,P 1297-1308
24- Mohammad-Saber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Mahboube Sadat Hosseini, Fatemeh Khorshidi, Yalda Moafpourian, Hossein ARABI, Arman Rahmim, Habib Zaidi "Evaluation of deep-learning based partial volume correction of PET images without the use of anatomical information", Journal of Nuclear Medicine, V 64, P971-P971
25- Mohammad-Saber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Mahboube Sadat Hosseini, Fatemeh Khorshidi, Hossein ARABI, Arman Rahmim, Habib Zaidi "Reproducibility of radiomics features in partial volume correction of PET images", Journal of Nuclear Medicine,V64,P994-P994
26- Hajar Zarei, S Razaghi, Y Nagao, M Itoh, M Yamaguchi, N Kawachi, MR Ay, H Watabe "Evaluation and optimization of geometry parameters of GAGG scintillator-based Compton Camera for medical imaging by Monte Carlo simulation", Journal of Instrumentation,2023,V18, P01035
27- Samira Rezvani, Pardis Ghafarian, Mehrdad Bakhshayesh Karam, Mohammadreza Ay "Role of Lesion-to-Background Activity Ratio and Background Activity in Optimization of Reconstruction Protocols for FDG PET/CT Images of Overweight Patients: A Phantom Study", Iranian Journal of Radiology,2023,
28- Ali Ghafari, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Negisa Seyyedi, Mehrshad Abbasi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Realizing 32-time Scan Duration Reduction of 18F-FDG PET Using a Cycle-GAN and Image Augmentation", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies
29- Roya Sharifpour, Pardis Ghafarian, Mehrdad Bakhshayesh-Karam, Carlos F Uribe, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Reducing scan time using time-of-flight protocol in clinical [18F] FDG-PET/CT imaging: A feasibility study", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2022,P 1-16
30- Pardis Ghafarian, Sahar Rezaei, Esmaeil Gharepapagh, Saeid Sarkar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Impact of Various Image Reconstruction Methods on Joint Compensation of Respiratory Motion and Partial Volume Effects in Whole-Body 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging: Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer", Iran South Med J 2022, 25(4): 355-370
31- Samira Abbaspour, Hamid Abdollahi, Hossein Arabalibeik, Maedeh Barahman, Amir Mohammad Arefpour, Pedram Fadavi, Mohammadreza Ay & Seied Rabi Mahdavi "Endorectal ultrasound radiomics in locally advanced rectal cancer patients: despeckling and radiotherapy response prediction using machine learning", Nuclear Medicine Communications,2022,V 43,P 1004-1014
32- Ali Ghafari, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Negisa Seyyedi, Mehrshad Abbasi, Saeed Farzenefar, Fereshteh Yousefirizi, Mohammadreza Ay, Arman Rahmim "Generation of 18F-FDG PET standard scan images from short scans using cycle-consistent generative adversarial network", Physics in Medicine & Biology,2022,P 355-370
33- Zahra Falahatpour, Parham Geramifar, Seyed Rabie Mahdavi, Hamid Abdollahi, Yazdan Salimi, Alireza Nikoofar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Potential advantages of FDG‐PET radiomic feature map for target volume delineation in lung cancer radiotherapy", Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics,2022,V23
34- Mohammad-Saber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Hossein Arabi "Comparison of The Performance of Denoising Filters in Improving The Quality of Low-Dose Brain PET Images With Two Dose Levels of 5% and 10%", medical journal of mashhad university of medical sciences,2022, Vol 65
35- Mohammad-Saber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Navid Zeraatkar, Hossein Arabi "Deep Learning-Based Partial Volume Correction in Standard and Low-Dose PET-CT Imaging", arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.02553
36- Mohammad-Saber Azimi, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad-Reza Ay, Navid Zeraatkar, Mahboube Sadat Hosseini, Hossein ARABI, Habib Zaidi "Comparative assessment of attention-based deep learning and non-local mean filtering for joint noise reduction and partial volume correction in low-dose PET imaging", Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2022, Vol 63, P 2729-2729
37- Abbas Monsef, Mohammad Reza Ay, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Parham Geramifar, Arman Rahmim, Pardis Ghafarian "Harmonization based on quantitative analysis of standardized uptake value variations across PET/CT scanners: a multicenter phantom study", Nuclear Medicine Communications,2022,V43, P1004-1014
38- Hamidreza Khodajou-Chokami, Seyed Abolfazl Hosseini, Mohammad Reza Ay "A deep learning method for high-quality ultra-fast CT image reconstruction from sparsely sampled projections", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,2022,Vol 1029
39- Seyyed Ali Hosseini,Isaac Shiri,Ghasem Hajianfar,Bahador Bahadorzade,Pardis Ghafarian,Habib Zaidi,Mohammad Reza Ay "Synergistic impact of motion and acquisition/reconstruction parameters on 18F-FDG PET radiomic features in non-small cell lung cancer: phantom and clinical studies", Medical Physics,2022
40- Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Mohammadreza Ay "Necessity of Development and Manufacturing of Dedicated Brain PET Scanners", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2022,V9, p74-75
41- H Khodajou-Chokami, SA Hosseini, MR Ay "PARS-NET: a novel deep learning framework using parallel residual conventional neural networks for sparse-view CT reconstruction", Journal of Instrumentation,2022, Vol 17
42- Alireza Fallahi, Mohammad Pooyan, Jafar Mehvari Habibabadi, Seyed Sohrab Hashemi-Fesharaki, Narges Hoseini Tabatabaei, Mohammadreza Ay, Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh "A novel approach for extracting functional brain networks involved in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy based on self organizing maps", Informatics in Medicine Unlocked,2022, Vol 29, P 100876
43- Mehdi Yousefzadeh, Mozhdeh Zolghadri, Masoud Hasanpour, Fatemeh Salimi, Ramezan Jafari, Mehran Vaziri Bozorg, Sara Haseli, Abolfazl Mahmoudi Aqeel Abadi, Shahrokh Naseri, Mohammadreza Ay, Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh "Statistical analysis of COVID-19 infection severity in lung lobes from chest CT", Informatics in Medicine Unlocked,2022,P 100935,
44- Mahsa Amirrashedi, Saeed Sarkar, Hojjat Mamizadeh, Hossein Ghadiri, Pardis Ghafarian, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Leveraging Deep Neural Networks to Improve Numerical and Perceptual Image Quality in, Low-dose Preclinical PET Imaging", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,2021,P 102010
45- Seyyed Ali Hosseini, Isaac Shiri, Ghasem Hajianfar, Pardis Ghafarian, Mehrdad Bakhshayesh Karam, Mohammad Reza Ay "The Impact of Preprocessing on the PET-CT Radiomics Features in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2021,V 8
46- Majdi Jber, Jafar Mehvari Habibabadi, Roya Sharifpour, Hengameh Marzbani, Masoud Hassanpour, Milad Seyfi, Neda Mohammadi Mobarakeh, Ahmedreza Keihani, Seyed Sohrab Hashemi-Fesharaki, Mohammadreza Ay, Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh "Temporal and extratemporal atrophic manifestation of temporal lobe epilepsy using voxel-based morphometry and corticometry: clinical application in lateralization of epileptogenic zone", Neurological Sciences,2021,P 1-21
47- Tohid Abdolahzadeh1 , Jalil Morshedian1 , Shervin Ahmadi1 , Mohammad Reza Ay2,3 , Omid Mohammadi "Introducing a novel Polyvinyl chloride/Tungsten composites for shielding against gamma and X-ray radiations", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2021,vol 29- p 58-64
48- Aram Radnia, Hamed Abdollahzadeh, Behnoosh Teimourian, Mohammad Hossein Farahani, Mohammad Reza Ay "Introducing the GammaPen: All-in-One Gamma Probe for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2021
49- Alireza Fallahi, Mohammad Pooyan, Nastaran Lotfi, Fatemeh Baniasad, Leili Tapak, Neda Mohammadi-Mobarakeh, Seyed Sohrab Hashemi-Fesharaki, Jafar Mehvari-Habibabadi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh "Dynamic functional connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy: a graph theoretical and machine learning approach", Neurological Sciences,2021,Vol 42
50- Aram Radnia, Hamed Abdollahzadeh, Behnoosh Teimourian, Mohammad Hossein Farahani, Mohammad Esmaeil Akbari, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Development and characterization of an all-in-one gamma probe with auto-peak detection for sentinel lymph node biopsy based on NEMA NU3-2004 standard", Annals of Nuclear Medicine,2021,Vol 35,P 1-9
51- Mahsa Amirrashedi, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Advances in Preclinical PET Instrumentation", Elsevier,2020, V4,p403-426
52- Ali Abdulhasan Kadhim, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Saeed Farzanefar, Shima Yavari, Majdi Mousa Jber, Mohammad Reza Ay "Measurement of Radiation Exposure to Caregivers of Patients with Thyroid Diseases Treated with Iodine-131: A Review", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,Vol 7,P 191-199
53- Salar Firouzi, Abdollah Khorshidi, Jamshid Soltani-Nabipour, Seyed Mohsen Zia Barzi, Mohammad Amani, Majid Sorouri, Mohammad Reza Ay "Evaluation of gamma and electron radiations impact on vitamins for onion preservation", Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2020
54- Mahsa Amirrashedi, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Towards quantitative small-animal imaging on hybrid PET/CT and PET/MRI systems", Clinical and Translational Imaging,2020
55- Ali Abdulhasan Kadhim, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Saeed Farzanefar, Shima Yavari, Mohammad Reza Ay "Radiation Dose Assessment to Family Members Taking Care of Non-Cancerous Thyroid Patients Treated with I-131 Therapy in Nuclear Medicine Department", Radiation Protection Dosimetry,2020
56- Isaac Shiri, Hossein Arabi, Parham Geramifar, Ghasem Hajianfar, Pardis Ghafarian, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay & Habib Zaidi "Deep-JASC: joint attenuation and scatter correction in whole-body 18F-FDG PET using a deep residual network", European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2020
57- Marom Bikson, Colleen A Hanlon, Adam J Woods, Bernadette T Gillick, Leigh Charvet, Claus Lamm, Graziella Madeo, Adrienn Holczer, Jorge Almeida, Andrea Antal, Mohammad Reza Ay, "Guidelines for TMS/tES Clinical Services and Research through the COVID-19 Pandemic", Brain Stimulation, Elsevier,2020
58- Isaac Shiri, Kiarash AmirMozafari Sabet, Hossein Arabi, Mozhgan Pourkeshavarz, Behnoosh Teimourian, Mohammad Reza Ay, Habib Zaidi "Standard SPECT myocardial perfusion estimation from half-time acquisitions using deep convolutional residual neural networks", Journal of nuclear cardiology: official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology,2020
59- A Emami, H Ghadiri, P Ghafarian, P Geramifar, MR Ay "Performance evaluation of developed dedicated breast PET scanner and improvement of the spatial resolution by wobbling: a Monte Carlo study.", Japanese journal of radiology,2020,P 1-10
60- Mahnaz Kiani Mobareke, Mohmmadreza Ay "6th Anniversary Editorial", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,Vol 7, P 1-2
61- Amirhossein Sanaat , HosseinArabi , MohammadReza Ay and Habib Zaidi "Novel preclinical PET geometrical concept using a monolithic scintillator crystal offering concurrent enhancement in spatial resolution and detection sensitivity: a simulation study", Physics in Medicine & Biology,2020
62- Golshan Mahmoudi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Arman Rahmim, Hossein Ghadiri "Computationally efficient system matrix calculation techniques in computed tomography iterative reconstruction", Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors,2020,Vol 10, p 1-11
63- Sara Khademi, Saeed Sarkar, Ali Shakeri-Zadeh, Neda Attaran, Sharmin Kharrazi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Hosein Azimian, Hossein Ghadiri "Corrigendum to" Targeted gold nanoparticles enable molecular CT imaging of head and neck cancer: An in vivo study", The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology,2020, Vol 10,P 1
64- Getu Ferenji Tadesse, Parham Geramifar, Pardis Ghafarian, Eshetu Ejeta Cheka, Eyachew Misgana Tegaw, Seifu Gizaw Feyisa, Ramin Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Molecular imaging approaches in the diagnosis of breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2020,Vol 28, P 1-13
65- Sahar Rezaei1,2 · Pardis Ghafarian3,4 · Mehrdad Bakhshayesh‑Karam3,4 · Carlos F. Uribe5 · Arman Rahmim6,7 · Saeed Sarkar2 · Mohammad Reza Ay1,2 "The impact of iterative reconstruction protocol, signal‑to‑background ratio and background activity on measurement of PET spatial resolution", Japanese Journal of Radiology ,2020,
66- Azadeh Emami, Pardis Ghafarian, Hossien Ghadiri, Parham Geramifar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Validation and evaluation of a GATE model for MAMMI PET scanner", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2020,Vol 28, P 33-38
67- Amirhossein Sanaat, Hossein Arabi, Mohammadreza Ay, Habib Zaidi "Novel preclinical PET geometrical concept using a monolithic scintillator crystal offering concurrent enhancement in spatial resolution and detection sensitivity: a simulation …", Physics in Medicine & Biology,2019,
68- Sahar Rezaei,Pardis Ghafarian,Abhinav K. JhaArman Rahmim,Saeed Sarkar,Mohammad Reza Ay "Joint compensation of motion and partial volume effects by iterativedeconvolution incorporating wavelet-based denoising in oncologic PET/CTimaging", physica media,2019,Vol 68,P 52-60
69- Sara Khademi, Saeed Sarkar, Ali Shakeri-Zadeh, Neda Attaran, Sharmin Kharrazi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Hosein Azimian, Hossein Ghadiri "Targeted gold nanoparticles enable molecular CT imaging of head and neck cancer: an in vivo study", The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology,2018,Vol 114
70- G Mahmoudi, MR Fouladi, MR Ay, A Rahmim, H Ghadiri "Sparse-view statistical image reconstruction with improved total variation regularization for X-ray micro-CT imaging", Journal of Instrumentation, 2019, Vol 14
71- Mahsa Amirrashedi, Saeed Sarkar, Pardis Ghafarian, Reza Hashemi Shahraki, Parham Geramifar, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "NEMA NU‐4 2008 Performance Evaluation of Xtrim‐PET: A prototype Si PM‐based preclinical scanner", Medical physics,2019
72- Salar Sajedi, Navid Zeraatkar, Sanaz Kaviani, Hadi Khanmohammadi, Saeed Sarkar, Hamid Sabet, Mohammad Reza Ay "A novel approach to automatic position calibration for pixelated crystals in gamma imaging", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019,Vol 27
73- Hossein Ghadiri, Sara Khademi, Saeed Sarkar, Ali Shakeri-zadeh, Neda Attaran, Mohammad Reza Ay, Hosein Azimian, Razieh Solgi "Dual-energy CT imaging of nasopharyngeal cancer cells using multifunctional gold nanoparticles", IET Nanobiotechnology, 2019
74- Leila Saleki, Pardis Ghafarian, Ahmad Bitarafan-Rajabi, Nahid Yaghoobi, Babak Fallahi, Mohammad Reza Ay "The influence of misregistration between CT and SPECT images on the accuracy of CT-based attenuation correction of cardiac SPECT/CT imaging: Phantom and clinical studies", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019,Vol 27,pp63-72
75- Azadeh Emami, Pardis Ghafarian, Hossien Ghadiri, Parham Geramifar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Validation and evaluation of a GATE model for MAMMI PET scanner", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019
76- Isaac Shiri, Pardis Ghafarian, Parham Geramifar, Kevin Ho-Yin Leung, Mostafa Ghelichoghli, Mehrdad Oveisi, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Direct attenuation correction of brain PET images using only emission data via a deep convolutional encoder-decoder (Deep-DAC)", European radiology,2019,pp1-3
77- Salar Sajedi, Navid Zeraatkar, Mohsen Taheri, Sanaz Kaviani, Hadi Khanmohammadi, Saeed Sarkar, Hamid Sabet, Mohammad Reza Ay "Development and preliminary results of Xtrim-PET, a modular cost-effective preclinical scanner", 2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
78- Isaac Shiri, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Mohammad Reza Ay "Deep-Fill: Deep Learning Based Sinogram Domain Gap Filling in Positron Emission Tomography", arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07168
79- Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Hamid Sabet, Hossein Ghadiri, Parham Geramifar, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Design, optimization and performance evaluation of BM-PET: A simulation study", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
80- Isaac Shiri, Kevin Leung, Parham Geramifar, Pardis Ghafarian, Mehrdad Oveisi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Arman Rahmim "PSFNET: ultrafast generation of PSF-modelled-like PET images using deep convolutional neural network", Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019,vol 60,pp 1369-1369
81- Isaac Shiri, Kevin Leung, Pardis Ghafarian, Parham Geramifar, Mehrdad Oveisi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Arman Rahmim "HiResPET: high resolution PET image generation using deep convolution encoder decoder network ", Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019,vol 60,pp 1368-1368
82- Isaac Shiri, Kevin Leung, Pardis Ghafarian, Parham Geramifar, Mehrdad Oveisi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Arman Rahmim "Simultaneous Attenuation Correction and Reconstruction of PET Images Using Deep Convolutional Encoder Decoder Networks from Emission Data", Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019,vol 60
83- Ali Ketabi, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Amin Mosleh-Shirazi, Seyed Rabi Mahdavi, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Impact of image reconstruction methods on quantitative accuracy and variability of FDG-PET volumetric and textural measures in solid tumors", European radiology,2019,vol 29,pp 2146-2156
84- Getu Ferenji Tadesse, Parham Geramifar, Eyachew Misganew Tegaw, Mohammad Reza Ay, "Techniques for generating attenuation map using cardiac SPECT emission data only: a systematic review", Annals of Nuclear Medicine ,21019,Vol 33,P 1-13
85- A Sanaat, MS Zafarghandi, MR Ay "Design and performance evaluation of high resolution small animal PET scanner based on monolithic crystal: a simulation study", Journal of Instrumentation,2019, Vol 14
86- SR Mahdavi, MR Ay, M Zabihzadeh, M Allahverdi, M Shahriari, M Hoseini-Ghahfarokhi "A full quantitative analysis of 18 MV photon beam from 2100 C/D-Varian clinical linear accelerator with and without flattening filter", International Journal of Radiation Research, 2019, Vol 17, P 137-146
87- Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Hossein Ghadiri, Parham Geramifar, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Design and performance evaluation of spheroid geometry for brain PET scanner using Monte Carlo modeling", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2019, Vol 27, P 32-37
88- Azadeh Nikoogoftar, Mojtaba Shamsaie, Navid Zeraatkar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Monte Carlo-based optimization of a gamma probe system for sentinel lymph node mapping", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2019, Vol 27, p 8-14
89- Reza Hashemi Shahraki, Isaac Shiri, Parham Geramifar, Afshin Akbarzadeh, Amir Hossein Sanaat, Mohammad Reza Ay "Resolution Recovery with Pre-Reconstruction Fourier Transforms Filtering for a High Resolution Animal SPECT System", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologiesو2018Vol 5, P 74-80
90- Mansour Zabihzadeh, Seyed Rabee Mahdavi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Mojtaba Hoseini-Ghahfarokhi "Advantages and disadvantages of removed flattening filter Linac: A Monte Carlo study on full quantitative dosimetric data of 18 MV-Varian Linac", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2018, Vol 15, P 446
91- Hojjat Mahani, Gholamreza Raisali, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad Reza Ay "Conventional Voxel in Tomographic Reconstruction Based upon Plane-Integral Projections–Use It or Lose It?", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2018, Vol 15, P 269-269
92- Sara Khademi, Hossein Ghadiri, Saeed Sarkar, Sharmin Kharrazi, Seyed Mohammad Amini, Ali Shakeri-Zadeh, Mohammad Reza Ay "Evaluation of effect of gold nanorods and spherical gold nanoparticles of different sizes on X-ray attenuation in computed tomography", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics,2018, Vol 15, P 354
93- Sara Khademi, Hossein Ghadiri, Saeed Sarkar, Ali Shakerizadeh, Neda Attaran, Sharmin Kharrazi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Evaluation of multifunctional targeted gold nanoparticles on X-ray attenuation in nasopharyngeal cancer cells by X-ray imaging", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2018, Vol 15, P 355
94- Golshan Mahmoudi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Hossein Ghadiri "Fast System Matrix Calculation in CT Iterative Reconstruction", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2018, Vol 15, P 150-150
95- Seyedehsamaneh Shojaeilangari, C Ross Schmidtlein, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Recovery of missing data in partial geometry PET scanners: Compensation in projection space vs image space", Medical physics, 2018, Vol 45, P5437-5449
96- Ali Ketabi, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Amin Mosleh-Shirazi, Seyed Rabi Mahdavi, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Impact of image reconstruction methods on quantitative accuracy and variability of FDG-PET volumetric and textural measures in solid tumors", European radiology,2018,pp1-11
97- Y Salimi, MR Deevband, P Ghafarian, MR Ay "Uncertainties in effective dose estimation for CT transmission scan in total body PET-CT imaging with Auto mA3D tube current modulation", International Journal of Radiation Research, Vol 16, p 465-472
98- Sara Khademi, Saeed Sarkar, Ali Shakeri-Zadeh, Neda Attaran, Sharmin Kharrazi, Mohammad Reza Ay, Hossein Ghadiri "Folic acid-cysteamine modified gold nanoparticle as a nanoprobe for targeted computed tomography imaging of cancer cells", Materials Science and Engineering: C,2018 ,Vol.89
99- Hamidreza Hemmati, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Reconstruction/segmentation of attenuation map in TOF-PET based on mixture models", Annals of nuclear medicine, 2018, Vol.26, pp 1-11
100- Mehdi Shirin Shandiz, Hamid Saligheh Rad, Pardis Ghafarian, Khadijeh Yaghoubi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Capturing Bone Signal in MRI of Pelvis, as a Large FOV Region, Using TWIST Sequence and Generating a 5-Class Attenuation Map for Prostate PET/MRI Imaging", Molecular imaging, 2018, Vol 17
101- P Sheikhzadeh, H Sabet, H Ghadiri, P Geramifar, P Ghafarian, MR Ay "Concept design and Monte Carlo performance evaluation of HeadphonePET: a novel brain-dedicated PET system based on partial cylindrical detectors", Journal of Instrumentation, 2018, Vol 13 ,P07008
102- Behnoosh Teimourian Fard, Mojtaba Shamsaei Zafarghandi, Soheil Hosseini, Hamid Sabet, Mohammad Reza Ay "An alternative mathematical modeling of the scintillation camera and framework for performance analysis of gamma-ray positioning algorithms", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2018, v.26, P.112-126
103- Ali Ketabi, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Amin Mosleh-Shirazi, Seyed Rabi Mahdavi, Mohammad Reza Ay "The influence of using different reconstruction algorithms on sensitivity of quantitative 18F-FDG-PET volumetric measures to background activity variation", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2018, Vol.26, pp 87-97
104- H Hemmati, A Kamali-Asl, P Ghafarian, MR Ay "Mixture model based joint-MAP reconstruction of attenuation and activity maps in TOF-PET", Journal of Instrumentation, 2018, Vol.13
105- Narges Salehi, Arman Rahmim, Emad Fatemizadeh, Afshin Akbarzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Farahani, Saeed Farzanefar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Cardiac contraction motion compensation in gated myocardial perfusion SPECT: A comparative studyRobotic system for SPECT imaging", Physica Medica, 2018, Vol.49, pp 77-82
106- Salar Sajedi, Navid Zeraatkar, Mohsen Taheri, Sanaz Kaviani, Hadi Khanmohammadi, Saeed Sarkar, Hamid Sabet, Mohammad Reza Ay "Generic high resolution PET detector block using 12× 12 SiPM array", Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2018, Vol 4
107- A Emami, H Ghadiri, A Rahmim, MR Ay "A novel dual energy method for enhanced quantitative computed tomography", Journal of Instrumentation, 2018, Vol.13
108- Sara Khademi, Saeed Sarkar, Sharmin Kharrazi, Seyed Mohammad Amini, Ali Shakeri-Zadeh, Mohammad Reza Ay, Hossein Ghadiri "Evaluation of size, morphology, concentration, and surface effect of gold nanoparticles on X-ray attenuation in computed tomography", Physica Medica, 2018, Vol 45,pp 127-133
109- Keyvan Jabbari, Fakhereh Pashaei, Mohammad R Ay, Alireza Amouheidari, Mohammad B Tavakoli "Evaluating the Impact of Various Parameters on the Gamma Index Values of 2D Diode Array in IMRT Verification", Journal of medical signals and sensors, Vol 8 , P31-38
110- Zahra Etemadi, Pardis Ghafarian, Ahmad Bitarafan-Rajabi, Hadi Malek, Mohammad Reza Ay "Is correction for metallic artefacts mandatory in cardiac SPECT/CT imaging in the presence of pacemaker and implantable cardioverter defibrillator leads?", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2018, Vol 26, P 35-46
111- Fatemeh Sadat Fatemi Nasrollahi, Pardis Ghafarian, Parham Grramifar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Quantification and Reduction of Respiratory Induced Artifact in Attenuation Correction of PET Data using Respiration Averaged CT: A Simulation and Phantom Study", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, 2017, Vol 3, pp 49-59
112- Roya Sharifpour, Pardis Ghafarian, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad R Ay "Quantification and reduction of respiratory induced artifacts in positron emission tomography/computed tomography using the time-of-flight technique", Nuclear medicine communications
113- Somayeh Gholami, Hassan Ali Nedaie, Francesco Longo, Mohammad Reza Ay, Sharifeh A Dini, Ali S Meigooni "Grid block design based on monte carlo simulated dosimetry, the linear quadratic and Hug–Kellerer radiobiological models", Journal of medical physics, 2017, Vol 42, pp 213
114- Hamidreza Hemmati, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammadreza Ay, Pardis Ghafarian "Compton scatter tomography in TOF-PET", Physics in Medicine & Biology,2017, Vol 62, pp 7641
115- N Zeraatkar, S Sajedi, B Teimourian Fard, S Kaviani, A Akbarzadeh, MH Farahani, S Sarkar, MR Ay "Development and calibration of a new gamma camera detector using large square Photomultiplier Tubes", Journal of Instrumentation,2017, Vol 12
116- Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Hamid Sabet, Hossein Ghadiri, Parham Geramifar, Hojjat Mahani, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Development and validation of an accurate GATE model for NeuroPET scanner", Physica Medica, 2017,Vol.40, pp59-65
117- Hojjat Mahani, Gholamreza Raisali, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad Reza Ay "Spinning slithole collimation for high-sensitivity small animal SPECT: Design and assessment using GATE simulation", Physica Medica, 2017, Vol 40, pp 42-50
118- Shabnam Khorasani Gerdekoohi, Naser Vosoughi, Kaveh Tanha, Majid Assadi, Pardis Ghafarian, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Implementation of absolute quantification in small‐animal SPECT imaging: Phantom and animal studies", Journal of applied clinical medical physics, 2017, Vol 18, pp 215-223
119- Hojjat Mahani, Gholamreza Raisali, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad Reza Ay "How crystal configuration affects the position detection accuracy in pixelated molecular SPECT imaging systems?", Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2017, Vol 28, pp 47
120- Shabnam Khorasani Gerdekoohi, Naser Vosoughi, Kaveh Tanha, Majid Assadi, Pardis Ghafarian, Arman Rahmim, Mohammad Reza Ay "Implementation of absolute quantification in small-animal SPECT imaging: Phantom and animal studies", MEDICAL IMAGING, 2017, pp 1-9
121- S Zargan, P Ghafarian, A Shabestani Monfared, AA Sharafi, M Bakhshayeshkaram, MR Ay "Evaluation of radiation exposure to staff and environment dose from [18F]-FDG in PET/CT and cyclotron center using thermoluminescent dosimetry", Journal of biomedical physics & engineering, 2017,Vol 7
122- M Shekari, P Ghafarian, S Ahangari, MR Ay "Quantification of the impact of TOF and PSF on PET images using the noise-matching concept: clinical and phantom study", Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2017, Vol 28, pp 167
123- Hojjat Mahani, Gholamreza Raisali, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad Reza Ay "Collimator-Detector Response Compensation in Molecular SPECT Reconstruction using STIR Framework?", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2017, Vol 25, pp 26-34
124- Roya Sharifpour, Pardis Ghafarian, Mehrdad Bakhshayesh-Karam, Hamidreza Jamaati, Mohammad Reza Ay "Impact of Time-of-Flight and Point-Spread-Function for Respiratory Artifact Reduction in PET/CT Imaging: Focus on Standardized Uptake Value", Tanaffos ,2017,Vol 16, pp 127
125- Hojjat Mahani, Gholamreza Raisali, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad Reza Ay "Monte Carlo optimization of crystal configuration for pixelated molecular SPECT scanners", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2017, Vol 844, pp 1-6
126- Anahita Fathi Kazerooni, Mohammad Reza Ay, Saman Arfaie, Parisa Khateri, Hamidreza Saligheh Rad "Single STE-MR Acquisition in MR-Based Attenuation Correction of Brain PET Imaging Employing a Fully Automated and Reproducible Level-Set Segmentation Approach", Molecular Imaging & Biology, 2017, Vol 19, pp 143-152
127- P. Ghobadi, A. Ahmadian, H. saberi, M.R. Ay, M. Addolghafar and K. Amini "A hybrid tracking system for image-guided spine surgery using a tracked mobile C-arm: a phantom study ", Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, 2017, Vol. 25, pp 434-448.
128- Navid Zeraatkar, Arman Rahmim, Saeed Sarkar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Development and Evaluation of Image Reconstruction Algorithms for a Novel Desktop SPECT System", Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology,2017, Vol 5,pp 120
129- Afshin Akbarzadeh, Valiallah Saba, Mohammad Reza Ay "New approach for calibration of pixelated scintillation detectors of intraoperative gamma cameras", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2017, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp 34-42.
130- M. Shandiz, H. Saligeh Rad, P. Ghafarian, M. Bakhshaysh Karam and
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"MR-guided attenuation map for prostate PET-MRI: an intensity and morphologic-based segmentation approach for generating a five-class attenuation map in pelvic region", Ann Nucl Med. 2017, Vol 31, pp 29-39
131- S. Kaviani, N. Zeraatkar,S. Sajedi, N. Gorjizadeh, M.H. Farahani, P. Ghafarian,G. El Fakhri, H. Sabete and M.R. Ay "Development and characterization of a compact hand-held gamma probe system, SURGEOGUIDE, based on NEMA NU3-2004 standards", Journal of Instrumentation, 2016, Vol 11
132- S. Kaviani, N. Zeraatkar, S. Sajedi, A. Akbarzadeh, N. Gorjizadeh, M. H. Farahani, B. Teimourian, P. Ghafarian, H. Sabet and
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"Design and development of a dedicated portable gamma camera system for intra-operative imaging", Phys Med. 2016 Jul;32(7):889-97. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2016.06.004. Epub 2016 Jun 23
133- Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Hamid Sabet, Hossein Ghadiri, Parham Geramifar, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Design, optimization and performance evaluation of BM-PET: A simulation study", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
134- N. Zeraatkar, M. H. Farahani, S. Sarkar, A. Rahmim and
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"Design and Assessment of a Novel SPECT System for Desktop Open-Gantry Imaging of Small Animals: a Monte Carlo Study", Med Phys. 2016 May;43(5):2581. doi: 10.1118/1.4947127
135- S. Gholami, H. Nedaie, F. Longo,
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136- Aram Radnia, MohammadHossein Farahani, C Hoorvash, MohammadReza Ay "Introducing the HeliGuide: Urea Breath Tests System for Detecting Helicobacter Pylori", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2015, Vol 2,pp 115-117
137- Hojjat Mahani, Alireza Kamali-Asl, MohammadReza Ay "How gamma camera’s head-tilts affect image quality of a nuclear scintigram?", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, 2015, Vol 1
138- Pardis Ghafarian, MohammadReza Ay "The influence of PET and CT misalignment due to respiratory motion on the cardiac PET/CT imaging: a simulation study", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies,2015, Vol 1
139- P. Khateri, H. Saligheh Rad, A. H. Jafari, A. Fathi Kazerooni, A. Akbarzadeh, M. Shojae Moghadam, A. Aryan, P. Ghafarian,
M. R. Ay
"Generation of a Four-Class Attenuation Map for MRI-Based Attenuation Correction of PET Data in the Head Area Using a Novel Combination of STE/Dixon-MRI and FCM Clustering", Mol Imaging Biol. 2015 Dec;17(6):884-92. doi: 10.1007/s11307-015-0849-1
140- M. Zabihzadeh, S.R. Mahdavi,
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and Z. Shakarami "Monte Carlo Calculation of Neutron Doses to Organs of a Female Undergoing A Pelvic 18 MV Irradiation", Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 2015, Vol. 8, pp 65-71
141- H. Arabi, A.R. Kamali Asl,
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and H. Zaidi "Monte Carlo-based Assessment of the Trade-off between Spatial Resolution, Field-of-View and Scattered Radiation in the Variable Resolution X-ray CT Scanner", Phys Med, 2015, Vol. 31, pp 510-516
142- M. Shekari, P. Ghafarian, S. Ahangari, H. Ghadiri, M. Bakhshayeshkaram and
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"Optimizing Image Reconstruction Parameters in Time of Flight PET/CT Imaging: a Phantom Study", 2015, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 146-154
143- M. Zabihzadeh, S.R. Mahdavi,
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and Z. Shakarami "The Effects of Backscattered Radiation into Beam Monitor Chamber: Study of 6 and 18 MV Conventional and Removed Flattening Filter Clinical Accelerator", BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA, 2015, Vol. 12, pp 25-36
144- S. Ahangari, P. Ghafarian, M. Shekari, H. Ghadiri, M. Bakhshayeshkaram and
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"The Impact of Point Spread Function Modeling on Scan Duration in PET Imaging", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 137-145
145- P. Khateri, H. Saligeh Rad, A.H. Jafari and
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"A Novel Segmentation Approach for Implementation of MRAC in Head PET/MRI Employing Short-TE MRI and 2-Point Dixon Method in a Fuzzy C-Means Framework", Nuclear Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A, 2014, Vol. 734, No. 8, pp 171-174
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, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "Classification of bones from MR images in torso PET-MR imaging using a statistical shape model", Nuclear. Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A, 2014, Vol. 734, pp 196-200
147- H. Ghadiri, MB Shiran, HR Soltanian-Zadeh, A. Rahmim, H. Zaidi and
M.R. Ay
"Derivation of attenuation map for attenuation correction of PET data in the presence of nanoparticulate contrast agents using spectral CT imaging", Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 2014, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp 559-570
148- S. Sajedi , N. Zeraatkar, V. Moji, M. H. Farahani, S. Sarkar, H. Arabi, B. Teymoorian, P. Ghafarian, A. Rahmim and
M.R. Ay
"Design and Development of a High Resolution Animal SPECT Scanner Dedicated for Rat and Mouse Imaging", Nuclear. Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A, 2014, Vol. 741, pp 169-176
149- A. M. Pashazadeh, K. Tanha, F. Jafarian Dehkordi, M. Assadi, V. Moji , N. Zeraatkar and
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"Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of HiReSPECT Scanner: a High-Resolution SPECT System for Small Animal Imaging", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 222-227
150- H. Mahani, A. Kamali-Asl,
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"How Gamma Camera’s Head-Tilts Affect Image Quality of a Nuclear Scintigram?", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 265-270
151- V. Moji, N. Zeraatkar, M.H. Farahani, M. Aghamiri, S. Sajedi, B. Teymorian, P. Ghafarian , S. Sarkar and
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"Performance Evaluation of Newly Developed High Resolution Dual Head Animal SPECT System Based on NEMA NU2 2007 Standard", J Appl Clin Med Phys, 2014, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp 267-278
152- P. Ghafarian,
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153- N. Zeraatkar, S. Sajedi, M. H. Farahani, H. Arabi, S. Sarkar, P. Ghafarian, A. Rahmim and
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"Resolution-Recovery-Embedded Image Reconstruction for a High-Resolution Animal SPECT System", Phys Med, 2014, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp 774-781
154- P. Ghafarian,
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"The Influence of PET and CT Misalignment due to Respiratory Motion on the Cardiac PET/CT Imaging: a Simulation Study", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 252-257
155- H Ghadiri,
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156- A. Mehranian,
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157- S. Sajedi, A. Kamali Asl,
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, M.H. Farahani and A. Rahmim "A novel non-linear recursive filter design for extracting high rate pulse features in nuclear medicine imaging and spectroscopy", Medical Engineers & Physics , 2013, Vol. 35, No.6, pp. 754-764
158- A. Mehranian, A. Rahmim,
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, F. Kotasidis and H. Zaidi "An ordered-subsets proximal preconditioned gradient algorithm for edge-preserving PET image reconstruction", Medical Physics 2013, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp 052503-14
159- S. Vaezzadeh, M. Allahverdi, H. Nedaei,
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160- A. Akbarzadeh, D. Gutierrez, A. Baskin,
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162- A. Akbarzadeh,
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163- P. Geramifar, M. Shamsaie Zafarghandi, P. Ghafarian, A. Rahmim and
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"Respiratory-Induced Errors in Tumor Quantification and Delineation in CT Attenuation Corrected PET Images: Effects of Tumor Size, Tumor Location and Respiratory Trace - A Simulation Study Using the 4D XCAT Phantom", Molecular Imaging & Biology, 2013, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp 655-665
164- A. Mehranian, H. Salighe Rad, A. Rahmim,
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165- A. Mehranian,
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166- E. Saeedzadeh, S. Sarkar, A. Abbaspour Tehrani-Fard,
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167- B. Teimourian ,
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168- P. Khateri, H. Saligeh Rad, A, Fathi and
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169- M.A. Habibzadeh,
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170- N. Ghazanfari, S. Sarkar, G. Loudos,
M.R. Ay
"Quantitative assessment of the influence of crystal material and size on the performance of rotating dual head small animal PET scanners: Monte Carlo modeling", Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2012, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 33-39
171- F. Kalantari, H. Rajabi,
M. R. Ay
, A. Fard Esfahani, M. Eftekhari, B. Fallahi, A. Emami Ardekani "The infuence of resolution recovery by using collimator detector response during 3D OSEM image reconstruction on 99mTc-ECD brain SPET images", Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2012, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 91-96
172- N. Zeratkar,
M.R. Ay
, A Kamaliasl and H. Zaidi "Accurate Monte Carlo modeling and performance assessment of the X-PET™ subsystem of the FLEX Triumph™ preclinical PET/CT scanner", Medical Physics, 2011, Vol. 38, No 3, pp 1217-1225
173- F. Vedaei, A. Kamali asl, F. Kalantari, M. Ansari,
M.R. Ay
"Assessment of the impact of applying attenuation correction on the accuracy of activity recovery in Tc99m-ECD brain SPECT of healthy subject using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2011, 19, pp. 52-59
M. R. Ay
, M. Shirmohammad, S. Sarkar, A. Rahmim, H. Zaidi "Comparative assessment of energy-mapping approaches in CT-based attenuation correction for PET", Molecular Imaging & Biology, 2011, Vol. 13, pp. 187-198
175- R. Prasad,
M.R. Ay
, O. Ratib and H. Zaidi "CT-based attenuation correction on the FLEX Triumph™ preclinical PET/CT scanner", IEEE Trans Nuclear Sciences, 2011, Vol. 58 pp 66-75
176- P. Geramifar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaie Zafarghandi, S. Sarkar, G. Loudos, A. Rahmim "Investigation of Time-of-Flight Benefits on the LYSO-Based PET/CT Scanner: A Monte Carlo Study Using GATE", Nuclear. Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A , 2011 Vol. 641, pp. 121-127
177- P. Ghafarian, S.M.R. Aghamiri,
M.R. Ay
, A. Rahmim, T. Schindler, O. Ratib and H. Zaidi "Is Metal Artifact Reduction Mandatory in Cardiac PET/CT Imaging in the Presence of Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator leads?", European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp 252-262
178- M. Allahverdi, M. Zabih Zadeh,
M.R. Ay
, S.R. Mahdavi, M. Shahriari ,A. Mesbahi and H. Alijanzadeh "Monte Carlo estimation of electron contamination in a 18MV clinical photon beam", Iranian Journal of Radiation Research, 2011, Vol. 9 pp 15-28
179- N. Zeraatkar,
M. R. Ay
, P. Ghafarian, S. Sarkar, P. Geramifar, and A. Rahmim "Monte Carlo-based evaluation of inter-crystal scatter and penetration in the PET subsystem of three GE Discovery PET/CT scanners", Nuclear. Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A, 2011, Vol. 659, pp. 508-514
180- H. Arabi, A Kamaliasl,
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Novel detector design for reducing inter-cell x-ray cross-talk in the variable resolution x-ray CT scanner: A Monte Carlo study", Medical Physics, 2011, Vol. 30 pp. 1389-1396
M.R. Ay
, A. Mehranian, M. Abdoli, P. Ghafarian and H. Zaidi "Qualitative and quantitative assessment of metal artefacts arising from implantable cardiac pacing devices in oncological PET/CT studies: A phantom study", Molecular Imaging & Biology, 2011, Vol. 13, pp. 1077-1088
182- A. Akbarzadeh,
M.R. Ay
,H. Ghadiri, S.Sarkar "A new method for experimental characterization of scattered radiation in 64-slice CT scanner", Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal, 2010, 6(1):e3
183- M. Abdoli,
M.R. Ay
, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "A Virtual Sinogram Method to Reduce Dental Metallic Implant Artefacts in CT-based Attenuation Correction for PET", Nuclear Medicine Communication, 2010, 31, 22-31
184- A. Akbarzadeh,
,H.Ghadiri, S.Sarkar "Calculation Of Scattered Radiation Profile In 64 Slice CT Scanners Using Experimental Measurement", Iran J. Medical Physics , 2010, 6, 1-10
185- P. Ghafarian, S.M.R. Aghamiri,
M.R. Ay
, B. Fallahi, A. Rahmim, T. Schindler, O. Ratib and H. Zaidi "Coronary calcium score scan-based attenuation correction in cardiovascular PET imaging", Nuclear Medicine Communication, 2010, Vol. 31, No 9, pp 780-787
186- M. Rasouli, A. Takavar,
M.R. Ay
, S. Saber, and G. Loudos "Effects of Crystal Pixel Size and Collimator Geometry on the Performance of a Pixelated Crystal Gamma Camera Using Monte Carlo Simulation", Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 2010, Vol. 38, No 4, pp 199-204
187- L. Karimi-Afshar, N. Riahi Alam,
, M. Allahverdi, T. Purfallah, H. Hashemi, A. Farahani, B. Efie, M. Bakhteiari "Evaluation of MRI-based Polymer Gel Dosimetry for Measurement of CT Dose Index (CTDI) on 64 slices CT Scanners", Iran J. Medical Physics , 2010, 6, 59-70
188- A. Akbarzadeh,
M. R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "Measurement of scattered radiation in a volumetric 64-slice CT scanner using three experimental techniques", Physics Medicine and Biology, 2010, 55, 2269-2280
189- A. Mehranian,
M.R. Ay
, N. Riahi and H. Zaidi "Quantifying the effect of anode surface roughness on diagnostic x-ray spectra using Monte Carlo simulation", Medical Physics, 2010, 37, 742-752
190- M. Abdoli,
M.R. Ay
, A. Ahmadian, A. J. O. Dierckx and H. Zaidi "Reduction of dental filling metallic artefacts in CT-based attenuation correction of PET data using weighted virtual sinograms optimized by a genetic algorithm", Medical Physics, 2010, Vol. 37, No 12, pp 6166-6177
191- B. Teymoorian,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaei Zafarghandi and H. Ghadiri "A Novel Dual Energy CT-Based Attenuation Correction Method in PET/CT Systems: A Phantom Study", " Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2009, 17, 42-49
192- T. Allahverdi, M. Allahverdi, N. Riahi Alam,
M.R. Ay
, M. Zahmatkesh "Differential Dose Volume Histograms of Gamma Knife in Presence of Inhomogeneities Using MRI- polymer Gel Dosimetry and MC Simulation", Medical Physics, 2009, 36,3002-3012
193- T. Allahverdi, M. Allahverdi, N. Riahi Alam,
M.R. Ay
, M. Zahmatkesh "Evaluation of Dose Delivery Accuracy of Gamma Knife Using MRI Polymer Gel Dosimeter in an Inhomogeneous Phantom", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 164, 2009, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/164/1/012066
194- M. Zabih Zadeh,
M.R. Ay
, M. Allahverdi, A. Mesbahi, S.R. Mahdavi and M. Shahriari "Monte Carlo Estimation of Photoneotrons Contamination from High Energy Medical Accelerator in Threatment Room and Maze: A Simplified Model", Radiation Detection Dosimetry, 2009, 135, 21-32
195- P. Geramifar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaie Zafarghandi,G. Loudos, A. Rahmim "Performance Comparison of Four Commercial GE Discovery PET/CT Scanners: A Monte Carlo Study Using GATE", Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2009, 17, 26-33
196- T. Allahverdi, M. Allahverdi, N. Riahi Alam,
M.R. Ay
, M. Zahmatkesh and J.S. Ibbott "Performance evaluation of MRI-based PAGAT polymer gel dosimeter in an inhomogeneous phantom using EGSnrc code on a co-60 machine", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2009, 67, 186-191
197- T. Allahverdi, M. Allahverdi, N. Riahi Alam,
M.R. Ay
, M. Zahmatkesh "Verifying the accuracy of dose distribution in Gamma Knife unit in presence of inhomogeneities using PAGAT polymer gel dosimeter and MC simulation", Iranian J. of Radiation Research, 2009, 7, 49-56
198- S. Lashkari, S. Sarkar,
M.R. Ay
and A. Rahmim "The Influence of Crystal Material on Intercrystal Scattering and the Parallax Effect in PET Block Detectors: A Monte Carlo Study", 4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 25-28 June 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IFMBE Proceedings Series, Vol. 21, pp 633-636
199- A. Rahmim, J. Tang, M. A. Lodge, S. Lashkari,
M.R. Ay
, R. Lautamaki, B. M. W. Tsui, and F. Bengel "Analytic System Matrix Resolution Modeling in PET: An Application to Rb-82 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2008, 53, 5947-5965
200- M. Shirmohammad,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar and A. Rahmim "Comparing 511 keV attenuation maps obtained from different energy mapping methods for CT based attenuation correction of PET data", Iran J. Medical Physics , 2008,5, 23-34
201- A. Ahmadian,
M.R. Ay
, J.H. Bidgoli, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "Correction of oral contrast artefacts in CT-based attenuation correction of PET images using an automated segmentation algorithm", European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2008, 35, 1812-1823
202- S. Lashkari, S. Sarkar,
M.R. Ay
, R. Rahmim "The Influence of Crystal Material on Intercrystal Scattering and the Parallax Effect in PET Block Detectors: A Monte Carlo Study", Iran J. Medical Physics , 2008, 21, 67-76
M.R. Ay
and S. Sarkar "Computed Tomography Based Attenuation Correction in PET/CT: Principles, Instrumentation, Protocols, Artifacts and Future Trends", Iranian J. Nucl. Med., 2007, 15, 1-29
204- H. Zaidi and
M.R. Ay
"Current status and new horizons in Monte Carlo simulation of x-ray CT scanners", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing , 2007, 45, 809-817
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Impact of x-ray tube settings and metallic leads on neurological PET imaging when using CT-based attenuation correction", Nuclear. Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A , 2007, 571, 411-417
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Assessment of errors caused by x-ray scatter and use of contrast medium when using CT-based attenuation correction in PET", European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2006, 33 (11), 1301-1313
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Computed tomography-based attenuation correction in neurological positron emission tomography: evaluation of the effect of x-ray tube voltage on quantitative analysis", Nuclear Medicine Communication, 2006, 27, 339-346
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, M. Shahriari, D. Sardari, and H. Zaidi "Assessment of different computational models for generation of x-ray spectra in diagnostic radiology and mammography", Medical Physics, 32(6), pp. 1660-1675, 2005
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Development and validation of MCNP4C-based Monte Carlo simulator for fan- and cone-beam x-ray CT", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2005. 50(20): pp. 4863-4885
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, M. Shahriari and P. Ghafarian "Measurement of Organ Dose in Abdomen-Pelvis CT Exam as a Function of mA, KVp and Scanner Type by Monte Carlo Method", Iranian J. of Radiation Research, 1(4), 187-194, 2004
M.R. Ay
, M. Shahriari, S. Sarkar, M. Adib and H. Zaidi "Monte Carlo simulation of x-ray spectra in diagnostic radiology and mammography using MCNP4C", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(19) pp. 4897-4917, 2004
Proceeding and Conference Records
1- H Rezaei, P Sheikhzadeh, P Ghafarian, I Shiri, M Ay "Deep Learning Based Missing Information Recovery in Partial Ring Total Body PET Scanner", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2022,V49,S78-S79
2- S Hariri Tabrizi, B Teimourian, M Farahani, M Ay "Development of Reconstruction Algorithm for High Resolution microPET Scanner Using Siddon-based System Matrix", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2022,V49, S426-S426
3- A Radnia, M Farahani, M Ay "High Resolution PET Detector Design Using SiPM Array", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2022,V49,S450-S450
4- H Rezaei, M Ay "Impact of Different Crystal Material on Performance Characteristics of Long Axial Field-Of-View PET Scanner: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2022,V49,S79
5- T Zare, P Sheikhzadeh, A Rahmim, B Teimourian Fard, P Ghafarian, M Ay "Optimization of Time Coincidence Window and Energy Window for Dedicated Brain PET: A Simulation Study", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2022,V49,S595
6- S Rezvani, P Ghafarian, M Ay "The impact of Different Reconstruction Parameters along with TOF and PSF in PET/CT Imaging: Patient with Normal and High BMI", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2022,V49,S594
7- Hadi Rezaei, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Pardis Ghafarian, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "Accurate Monte Carlo Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a Total-body PET Scanner", 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC),P 1-3
8- Mahsa Amirrashedi, Saeed Sarkar, Hossein Ghadiri, Pardis Ghafarian, Habib Zaidi, Mohammad Reza Ay "A Deep Neural Network To Recover Missing Data In Small Animal Pet Imaging: Comparison Between Sinogram-And Image-Domain Implementations", 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
9- Mahsa Amirrashedi, Saeed Sarkar, Hossein Ghadiri, Pardis Ghafarian, Mohammad Reza Ay "Standard-dose PET reconstruction from low-dose preclinical images using an adopted all convolutional U-Net", Medical Imaging 2021: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging
10- Hamidreza Khodajou-Chokami, Seyed Abolfazl Hosseini, Mohammad Reza Ay, Ali Safarzadehamiri, Pardis Ghafarian, Habib Zaidi "A Novel Method for Measuring the MTF of CT Scanners: A Phantom Study", 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications
11- Hamidreza Khodajou-Chokami, Seyed Abolfazl Hosseini, Mohammad Reza Ay, Habib Zaidi "MCNP-FBSM: Development of MCNP/MCNPX Source Model for Simulation of Multi-Slice Fan-Beam X-Ray CT Scanners", 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications
12- Hojjat Mahani, Gholamreza Raisali, Alireza Kamali-Asl, Mohammad Reza Ay "Conventional Voxel in Tomographic Reconstruction Based upon Plane-Integral Projections–Use It or Lose It?", Iranian Journal of Medical Physics,2018, V ol 15, P 261
13- M Fallahpoor, N Vahidfar, G Divband, F Kalantari, M Ay "F-18-PSMA vs. Ga-68-PSMA11; S-value Estimation in XCAT BMIs Using GATE Monte Carlo Code", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2018, Vol 45,P S737-S737
14- A Emami, H Ghadiri, P Ghafarian, P Geramifar, M Ay "Monte Carlo simulation of MAMMI PET system and performance evaluation using GATE toolkit", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING,2018, Vol 45, P S714-S714
15- Salar Sajedi, Navid Zeraatkar, Mohsen Taheri, Sanaz Kaviani, Hadi Khanmohammadi, Saeed Sarkar, Hamid Sabet, MR Ay "A Generic, Scalable, and Cost-Effective Detector Front-End Block for PET", 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), P 1-3
16- Navid Zeraatkar, Salar Sajedi, Sanaz Kaviani, Mohsen Taheri, Hadi Khanmohammadi, Saeed Sarkar, Mohammad Reza Ay "Development of a Preclinical PET System Based on Pixelated LYSO Crystals and SiPM Arrays", 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), P 1-3
17- H Mahani, G Raisali, A Kamali-Asl, M Ay "A Comparison Study on Two Novel Statistical Reconstruction Algorithms Developed for Slit-Hole Collimation Data in Small Animal SPECT Imaging", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, P S434-S434
18- N Salehi, M Farahani, E Fatemizadeh, S Farzanefar, M Ay "Cardiac contraction motion compensation in gated Myocardial Perfusion SPECT", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
19- P Sheikhzadeh, H Ghadiri, P Geramifar, P Ghaffarian, M Ay "Design optimization of partial cylindrical PET scanner based on trapezoid-shaped block detector and monolithic crystals using Monte Carlo simulation", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
20- Z Mojabi, P Ghafarian, H Ghadiri, M Bakhshayeshkaram, M Ay "Development of low dose CT protocols with acceptable CT image quality for CTAC of PET data: Phantom Study", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
21- R Sharifpour, P Ghafarian, MR Ay "Evaluation of the Impact of Using TOF Technique on Metal Artifact Reduction in PET/CT Images", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
22- A Ketabi, P Ghafarian, S Masjoodi, MA Mosleh-Shirazi, MR Ay "Is the averaged SUV from several hottest voxels an alternative to SUV peak for quantification of large heterogeneous or small lesions in oncological PET imaging?", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
23- A Emami, H Ghadiri, P Ghafarian, M Ay "Monte Carlo Based Performance estimation of breast PET due to reduction of the ring diameter", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
24- I Shiri, P Ghafarian, S Ashrafinia, A Bitarafan-Rajabi, M Ay, A Rahmim "Optimal quantitative SUV metrics over wide range of lesion sizes in advanced image reconstruction (TOF and PSF) for PET", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, P S427-S428
25- A Sanaat, M Shamsaie, B Teymorian, R Hoshemi, M Ay "Optimization of the crystal thickness for a monolithic LYSO animal PET detector with anger and CSE positioning method using Monte Carlo simulation", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, p 431-432
26- P Ghaffarian, F Fatemi, P Geramifar, M Ay "Quantification and Reduction of respiratory induced errors in attenuation correction of PET data using respiration averaged CT: a simulation study", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017
27- M Ay, H Mahani, G Raisali, A Kamali-Asl "Simultaneous High-Sensitivity High-Resolution Molecular SPECT Imaging with Spinning Slit-Hole Collimator: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, P S389-S390
28- I Shiri, P Ghafarian, A Bitarafan-Rajabi, M Ay "Sub-centimeter lesion detectability in Point-spread function (PSF) and Time of flight (TOF) reconstructed PET images", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, P S438-S439
29- P Ghahramani, N Zeraatkar, N Vosoughi, MR Ay "The Influence of Crystal Material and Size on the Sensitivity of Recently Developed SiPM Based Animal PET Scanner: a Monte Carlo Study", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, PS429-S430
30- P Ghafarian, A Ketabi, MA Mosleh-Shirazi, MR Ay "Volume-based assessment of different image reconstruction algorithms and thresholds for FDG-PET/CT based on dose-painting concept", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2017, Vol 44, P S758-S758
31- P Ghafarian, A Ketabi, A Doroudinia, M Bakhshayesh Karam, MR Ay "Effect of TOF and PSF in detection of lymph node metastases in head and neck of PET/CT images", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2016, Vol 43, pp s507
32- H Ghadiri, M B Shiran, H R Soltanian-Zadeh, A Rahmim and
M R Ay
"A fast and hardware mimicking analytic CT simulator", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 2013, pp 1-5
33- Mehranian A, H. Salighe Rad,
M.R. Ay
, Rahmim A, and Zaidi H "Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation (SCAD) Regularization for Compressed Sensing MRI Using an Augmented Lagrangian Scheme", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2012, pp 3646-3653
34- Mehranian A,
M.R. Ay
, Rahmim A, and Zaidi H "An Ordered-Subsets Proximal Preconditioned Gradient Algorithm for Total Variation Regularized PET Image Reconstruction", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2012, pp 3375-3382
35- Ghadiri H, Shiran MB,
M.R. Ay
, Soltanian-Zadeh H and Zaidi H "A novel energy mapping approach in CT-based attenuation correction of PET data using multi-energy CT imaging", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, p. 2510-2515
36- A. Emami, H. Ghadiri,
M.R. Ay
, S. Akhlagpour, A. Eslami, P. Ghafarian and S. Taghizadeh "A Novel Phantom for Accurate Performance Assessment of Bone Mineral Measurement Techniques: DEXA and QCT", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, p. 3441-3445
37- Najafi Darmian A,
M.R. Ay
, Ghafarian P, Pouladian M, Shirazi A, Ghadiri H, Akbarzadeh A and Zaidi H "Characterization of scattered radiation profile in volumetric 64-slice x-ray CT scanner: A Monte Carlo study", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, p. 2692–2696
38- H. Mohy-ud-Din, N. Karakatsanis, C. Endres,
M. R. Ay
, D. F. Wong, and A. Rahmim "Generalized inter-frame and intra-frame motion correction in dynamic PET imaging", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, p. 3858-3862
39- Akbarzadeh A,
M.R. Ay
, Ahmadian A, Riahi Alam N and Zaidi H "Impact of tissue classification on the accuracy of MR-based attenuation correction in PET-MRI", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, p. 2524–2530
40- Mehranian A,
M.R. Ay
, Rahmim A and Zaidi H "Metal artifact reduction in CT-based attenuation correction of PET using Sobolev sinogram restoration", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, P. 2936-2942
41- Mehranian A,
M.R. Ay
, Rahmim A, and Zaidi H "Sparsity constrained sinogram inpainting for metal artifact reduction in x-ray computed tomography", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-29 October 2011, p. 3694–3699
42- Khodadad D, Ahmadian A,
M.R. Ay
, Esfahani AF, Banaem HY and Zaidi H "B-spline based free form deformation thoracic non-rigid registration of CT and PET images", International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2011), 1-3 October 2011, Cairo, Egypt, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8285, pp 82851K
43- A. Emami, H. Ghadiri,
M.R. Ay
, S. Akhlagpour, A. Eslami, P. Ghafarian and S. Taghizadeh "A Novel Phantom for Accurate Performance Assessment of Bone Mineral Measurement Techniques: DEXA and QCT", 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IFMBE Proceedings 35, p. 47-50
44- A. Najafi Darmian,
M.R. Ay
, M. Pouladian, A. Shirazi, H.Ghadiri and A. Akbarzadeh "Monte Carlo Characterization of Scattered radiation profile in Volumetric 64 slice CT using GATE", 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IFMBE Proceedings 35, p. 694-697
45- F. Adibpour,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar and G. Loudos "Quantification of Inter-crystal Scattering and Parallax Effect in Pixelated High Resolution Small Animal Gamma Camera: A Monte Carlo Study", 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IFMBE Proceedings 35, p. 708-711
46- N. Ghazanfari,
M.R. Ay
, N. Zeraatkar, S. Sarkar and G. Loudos "Quantitative Assessment of the influence of crystal material and size on the Inter Crystal Scattering and Penetration effect in pixilated dual head small animal PET scanner", 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IFMBE Proceedings 35, p. 712-715
47- A. Rahmim, J. Tang,
M.R. Ay
and F. M. Bengel "4D Respiratory motion-corrected Rb-82 myocardial perfusion PET imaging", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2010, pp. 3312-3316
48- B. Teimourian,
M.R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, M. Shamsaei Zafarghandi and H. Zaidi "A Novel Approach for Implementation of Dual Energy Mapping Technique in CT-Based Attenuation Correction Using Single kVP Imaging: A Feasibility Study", 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), Chalkidiki, Greece, MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 220–223, 2010
49- N. Zeraatkar,
M.R. Ay
, A. Kamali-Asl and H. Zaidi "A Novel Model for Monte Carlo Simulation of Performance Parameters of the Rodent Research PET (RRPET) Camera Based on NEMA NU-4 Standards", 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), Chalkidiki, Greece, MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 311–314, 2010
50- A. Mehranian,
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "CT2MCNP: An Integrated Package for Constructing Patient-Specific Voxel-Based Phantoms Dedicated for MCNP(X) Monte Carlo Code", 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), Chalkidiki, Greece, MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 319–322, 2010
51- S.M. Akbari,
M.R. Ay
, A. Kamali Asl, H. Ghadiri and H. Zaidi "Experimental Measurement of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) in Five Commercial CT Scanners", 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), Chalkidiki, Greece, MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 351–354, 2010
52- N. Zeraatkar,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, P. Geramifar and A. Rahmim "Quantification of Inter-Crystal Scatter and Penetration Events in GE Discovery RX PET/CT Scanner: a Monte Carlo Simulation", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2010, pp. 2403-2408
53- M.A. Habibzadeh,
M.R. Ay
, A. Kamali Asl, H. Ghadiri and H. Zaidi "The Influence of Patient Miscentering on Patient Dose and Image Noise in Two Commercial CT Scanners", 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), Chalkidiki, Greece, MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 327–330, 2010
54- L. Karimiafshar, N. Riyahi Alam,
M.R. Ay
, M. Alahverdi, T. Alahvirdi Pourfallah , H. Hashemi, A. Farahani,B. Rafiei and M. Bakhtiar "A Novel Application of MRI-Polymer Gel Dosimeter for Measurement of CTDI on X-Ray 64 Slices CT Scanner", The World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Germany, Munich, 7-12 September 2009, IFMBE Proceedings 25, pp. 541-544
55- R. Prasad,
M.R Ay
, O. Ratib and H. Zaidi "CT-based attenuation correction on the FLEX Triumph™ preclinical PET/CT scanner", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando (FL) USA, 25-31 October 2009, 3357-3362
56- A. Mehranian ,
M.R. Ay
, N. Riahi Alam and H. Zaidi "Quantitative assessment of the effect of anode surface roughness on diagnostic x-ray spectra using Monte Carlo simulation", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando (FL) USA, 25-31 October 2009, 2902-2907
57- M. Abdoli ,
M.R. Ay
, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "Reduction of dental filling metallic artifacts in CT-based attenuation correction of PET data using weighted virtual sinograms", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando (FL) USA, 25-31 October 2009, 2752-2755
58- M. Abdoli,
M.R. Ay
, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "Metal Artifact Reduction in CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET Data Using the Virtual Sinogram Concept", 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IEEE iCBBE 2009), June 11th to 13th, 2009, 1-4, Beijing, China
59- P. Ghafarian and S.M.R. Aghamiri,
M.R. Ay
, A. Rahmim and H. Zaidi "Quantification of PET and CT Data Misalignment Errors in Cardiac PET/CT: Clinical and Phantom Studies", 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IEEE iCBBE 2009), June 11th to 13th, 2009, 1-4, Beijing, China
M.R. Ay
, A. Maleki, H. Ghadiri, P. Ghafarian, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "The Influence of X-ray Spectra Filtration on Image Quality and Patient Dose in the GE VCT 64-Slice Cardiac CT Scanner", The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IEEE iCBBE 2009), June 11th to 13th, 2009, 1-4, Beijing, China
61- M. Abdoli,
M.R Ay
, A. Ahmadian, N. Sahba and H. Zaidi "A novel approach for reducing dental filling artefacts in CT-based attenuation correction of head and neck oncologic PET/CT data", 4th European Congress of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008 ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 492–495
62- M. Shirmohammad,
M.R. Ay
, A. Rahmim, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "Comparative assessment of different energy mapping approaches in CT based attenuation correction: a patient study", 4th European Congress of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008 ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 496–499
63- N. Dehestani, S. Sarkar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Sadeghi and M. Shafaei "Comparative Assessment of Rotating Slat and Parallel Hole Collimator Performance in GE DST-Xli Gamma Camera: A Monte Carlo Study", 4th European Congress of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008 ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 1062–1065
64- M. Shafaei,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sardari and H. Zaidi "Monte Carlo assessment of geometric, scatter and septal penetration components in high energy collimators", 4th European Congress of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008 ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 2479–2482
M.R. Ay
, J.H. Bidgoli, P. Ghafarian and H. Zaidi "Reduction of Intravenous Contrast Related Artifacts in CT-based Attenuation Corrected PET Images", 4th European Congress of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008 ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 513–516
66- M. Rasouli,
M.R. Ay
, A. Takavar, S. Lashkari and G. Loudos "The Influence of InterCrystal Scattering on Detection Efficiency of Dedicated Breast Gamma Camera: A Monte Carlo Study", 4th European Congress of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008 ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 2451–2454
67- A. Akbarzadeh,
M.R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "A hybrid approach for accurate estimation of the scatter component in x-ray CT combining experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden, Germany, 19-25 October 2008, 3864-3867
68- P. Geramifar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsai Zafarghandi, G. Loudos, A. Rahmim "Monte Carlo Based Performance Assessment of Four Commercial GE Discovery PET/CT Scanners Using GATE", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden, Germany, 19-25 October 2008, 3995-3999
69- A. Rahmim, J. Tang, M. A. Lodge, S. Lashkari,
M.R. Ay
, R. Lautamaki, B. M. W. Tsui, and F. Bengel "Rb-82 Cardiac PET Imaging with Resolution Modeling", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden, Germany, 19-25 October 2008, 3643-3650
70- A. Akbarzadeh A,
M.R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "A novel approach for experimental measurement of scatter profile and scatter to primary ratio in a 64-slice CT scanner", 4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 25-28 June 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IFMBE Proceedings Series, Vol. 21, pp 473-477
71- M. Shirmohammad,
M.R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, S. Sarkar and A. Rahmim "Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Mapping Methods for Generation of 511- keV Attenuation Map from CT Images in PET/CT Systems: A Phantom Study", 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 14-17 May, Paris, France, 2008, 644-647
72- P. Geramifar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsayee, G. Lodous and A. Rahmim "Monte Carlo Assessment of Time-of-Flight Benefits on The LYSO-Based Discovery RX PET/CT Scanner", 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 14-17 May, Paris, France, 2008, 364-367
73- A. Rahmim, M. Lodge, J. Tang, S. Lashkari and
M.R. Ay
"Analytic System Matrix Resolution in PET: An Application to RB-82 Cardiac Imaging", 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 14-17 May, Paris, France, 2008, 1307-1310
74- P. Allahverdi, N. Riahi Alam, M. Allahverdi,
M.R. Ay
, M. Zahmatkesh M "EGSnrc calculated and MRI-Polymer Gel Dosimeter Measured Dose Distribution of Gamma Knife in Presence of Inhomogeneities", International Congress of Medical physics, India, 2008
75- P. Allahverdi, N. Riahi Alam, M. Allahverdi,
M.R. Ay
, M. Zahmatkesh M "Evaluation of Dose Delivery Accuracy of Gamma Knife Using MRI Polymer Gel Dosimeter in an Inhomogeneous Phantom", 5th Congress on Radiotherpy Gel Dosimetry, 2008 , Greece, 399-403
M.R. Ay
, P. Ghafarian and H. Zaidi "A hybrid approach for fast simulation of x-ray computed tomography", Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 October – 3 November 2007, Vol. 4, pp 3155-3160
77- J.H. Bidgoli,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "Correction of correction of PET images using an automated segmentation algorithm", Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 October – 3 November 2007, Vol. 5, pp 3542-3547
78- P. Ghafarian,
M.R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "Impact of x-ray tube voltage, field size and phantom thickness on scattered radiation in diagnostic radiology: A Monte Carlo investigation", Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 October – 3 November 2007, Vol. 5, pp 3830-3834
M.R. Ay
, H. Ghadiri, P. Ghafarian, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "Influence of energy indexing algorithm and electron substeps on MCNP4C electron transport: Application to simulation of x-ray spectra in diagnostic radiology and mammography", Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 October – 3 November 2007, Vol. 5, pp 4006-4011
80- H. Ghadiri and
M.R. Ay
"A Novel Hybrid Approach for Measurement of Bone Mineral Density and Content with High Signal to Noise Ratio", Proceedings of World Congress on Medical physics and Biomedical Engineerin, Seoul, Korea, August 27 – September 1, 2006, pp. 1324-1327
81- H. Zaidi and
M.R. Ay
"Impact of x-ray scatter when using CT-based attenuation correction in PET: A Monte Carlo investigation", Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, USA, 29 October - 4 November 2006, Vol. 4; pp. 2161-2165
M.R. Ay
and H. Zaidi "Simulation-based assessment of the impact of contrast medium on CT-based attenuation correction in PET", Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference. San Diego, USA, 29 October - 4 November 2006, Vol. 5; pp. 2731-2735
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, M. Shahriari, D. Sardari, and H. Zaidi "MCNP4C-based Monte Carlo simulator for fan- and cone-beam x-ray CT: development and experimental validation", 14th International Conference of Medical Physics. Biomedizinische Technik. 2005. Nuremberg, Germany, Sept. 14-17, 2005. 50 Suppl Part 1: pp. 360-361
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, M. Shahriari, D. Sardari, and H. Zaidi "Comparative assessment of different computational models for generation of x-ray spectra in diagnostic radiology and mammography", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference. 2004. Oct. 19-22, Rome, Italy. 4: pp. 4190-4194
Published Abstract
1- R. Sharif Pour, P. Ghafarian, A. Doroudinia, M. Bakhshayesh Karam and
M. R. Ay
"Reduction of Respiratory Induced Artefact in PET/CT Images using TOF Reconstruction", ACNM 2016
2- P. Ghafarian, S. M. Khamesi1, M. R. Golrokh Nodehi and
M. R. Ay
"Acceptance Test of the first Hospital Cyclotron for Production of PET tracers in Iran", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 518
3- S. Hosseini, M. H. Farahani and
M. R. Ay
"An alternate mathematical modeling of image formation, and framework for performance analysis of positioning algorithms in the scintillation camera", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 103
4- Z. Etemadi, A. Bitaran Rajabi, H. Malek, P. Ghafarian, N. Zeraatkar and
M.R. Ay
"Can Pacemaker and ICD degrade CT-Based Attenuation Corrected cardiac SPECT images?", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 132
M. R. Ay
, Z. Etemadi, A. Bitarafan-Rajabi, H. Malek, N. Zeraatkar and P. Ghafarian "Correction of Metal Artefacts Induced from Pacemaker and ICD Leads in CT-Based Attenuation Correction of Cardiac SPECT data", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 522
6- S. Nezhaddehghani1, S. Sarkar, and
M. R. Ay
"Design, modeling and performance evaluation of a small animal Micro-CT scanner: A Monte Carlo study", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 97
7- H. Saligheh Rad, M. Shirin Shandiz, P. Ghafarian, M. H. Arabi, M. Bakhshayeshkaram, N. Shafiei and
M. R. Ay
"Generating a four-class attenuation map for MR-based attenuation correction of PET data in pelvis region using an automatic segmentation protocol", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 201
8- P. Khateri, H. Saligheh Rad, A. Homayoun Jafari, A. Fathi, A. Akbarzadeh, M. Shojae Moghadam, A. Aryan, P. Ghafarian and
M.R. Ay
"Generation of 4-Class Attenuation Map for MRI Based Attenuation Correction of PET Data in the Head Area Using a Novel Combination of STE/DIXON-MRI and FCM Clustering", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 371
9- S. Ahangari1, P. Ghafarian, M. Bakhshayeshkaram and
M. R. Ay
"Impact of Point spread function modeling on tumor quantification in clinical PET/CT imaging", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 133
10- P. Ghafarian, S. M. Khamesi, M. R. Golrokh Nodehi and
M.R. Ay
"Measurement of Photon and Neutron Dose Distribution in Cyclotron Bunker During F18 and N13 Production", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 606
M. R. Ay
, S. Nezhaddehghani1, and S. Sarkar "Monte Carlo Simulation of X-ray Spectra in Computed Tomography Scanner using GATE", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 331
M. R. Ay
, H. Mahani, G. Raisali, and A. Kamali-Asl "Optimal Pixelated Crystal for a Molecular SPECT Scanner: A GATE Monte Carlo Study", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 200
13- H. Mahani, G. Raisali, A. Kamali-Asl and
M.R. Ay
"Spinning Knife-Edge Slit-Hole: a Novel Collimation for High-Sensitivity Molecular SPECT", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 200
14- M. Shekari, P. Ghafarian, M. Bakhshayeshkaram and
M. R. Ay
"The Impact of time of flight algorithm and PSF modeling on standard uptake value in clinical PET/CT imaging", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p 132
15- P. Ghafarian, S. Zargan, A. Shabestani Monfared, A. Sharafi, M. Bakhshayeshkaram and
M.R. Ay
"TLD Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Workers in PET/CT Department", World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada, p109
16- S. Gholami S , H. Nedaie, F. Longo,
M. R. Ay
, AS. Meigooni "An optimal Grid block design for spatially fractionated radiation therapy", ESTRO 2015
17- S. Gholami, AS. Meigooni, H. Nedaie, F. Longo
M. R. Ay
"Impact of the Radiation Sensitivity of Tumor and Geometric Design of the GRID Block On the Clinical Response of Grid Therapy", Med. Phys. 42, 3440 (2015);
18- V. Moji, N. Zaratkar, S. Sajedi, A. Akbarzadeh, B. Timourian, M.H. Farahani and
M. R. Ay
"Design and development of small fieldof view portable gamma camera for localization of sentinel lymph nodes", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 70
19- S. Nerzhaddehghani, S. Sarkar and
M.R. Ay
"Development of a hybrid small animal SPECT/CT scanner:a Monte Carlo study", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 71
20- S. Zargan, A. Monfared, P. Ghafarian, A. K. Sharafi, M. Bakhshayesh karam and
M.R. Ay
"Experimental measurement of absorbed dose using TLD for radiation workers in PET/CT department", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 157
21- H. Mahani, G. Raisali, A. Kamali asl and
M.R. Ay
"Monte Carlo-based characterization of HiReSPECT scanner: a dedicatd small animal SPECT imaging system", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 73
22- S. Ahanghari, P. Ghafarian, M. Sherkari, M. Bakhshayesh karam and
M.R. Ay
"Optimizing the acquisition time in whole body PET/CT imaging", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 75
23- N. Gorjizadeh, S. Farzanehfar, A. Kaviani, N. Zeraatkar, M. H. Farhani, S. Sajesi and
M.R. Ay
"Performance evaluation of surgical gamma probe for sentinel lymph node localization based on NMA NU3-2004 standard", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 77
24- H. Mahani, G. Raisali, A. Kamali asl and
M.R. Ay
"Quantification of inter-crystal scatter and penetration in HiReSPCT: a dedicated small animal SPCT imaging systm", 18th Iranian Conference of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 12-14 November 2104, pp. 78
25- Fathi, M. H. Arbabi,
M.R. Ay
and H. Saligheh Rad "A Fully Automated and Reproducible Level-set Segmentation Approach for Generation of MR-Based Attenuation Correction Map of PET Images in the Brain Employing Single STE-MR Imaging Modality", PSMR 2014 MR-PET Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 19-21 May 2014, EJNMMI Physics 2014, 1(Suppl 1):A48
26- M. Shirin Shandiz, M. H. Arabi, P. Ghafarian, M. Bakhshayesh Karam , H. Saligheh Rad and
M.R. Ay
"A hybrid method for generation of attenuation map for MR-based attenuation correction of PET data in prostate PET/MR imaging", PSMR 2014 MR-PET Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 19-21 May 2014, EJNMMI Physics 2014, 1(Suppl 1):A77
27- M. H. Arabi, A. Fathi, P. Khateri,
M.R. Ay
and H. Saligheh Rad "MR-Based Attenuation Map Generation in Short-TE MR Images of the Head Employing Spatial Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Approach", PSMR 2014 MR-PET Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 19-21 May 2014, EJNMMI Physics 2014, 1(Suppl 1):A49
28- P. Geramifar, M. Shamsaie Zafarghandi and
M.R. Ay
"Optical Flow Based Method for Generation of Virtual Average CT: A Simulation Study Using 4D XCAT Phantom", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 19-23 October 2013, Lyon, France. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, Vol 20, Issue 2
29- N. Gorjizadeh, N. Zeraatkar, A. Kaviani, S. Farzaneh far, M. H. Farahani, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Sajedi, B. Teimourian and
M.R. Ay
"Performance Evaluation of a Small Field of View Portable Gamma Camera for Localization of Sentinel Lymph Nodes", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 19-23 October 2013, Lyon, France. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, Vol 20, Issue 2
M.R. Ay
, N. Zeraatkar, N. Gorjizadeh, S. Sajedi, H. Arabi, M. H. Farahani, B. Teimourian "SURGEOGUIDE: a Gamma Probe for Localization of Sentinel Lymph Nodes", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 19-23 October 2013, Lyon, France. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, Vol 20, Issue 2
31- P. Ghafarian and
M.R. Ay
"The Influence of Misalignment Artifact Due to Global and Respiratory Motion on Interpretation of Cardiac PET/CT Examination: Clinical and Phantom Studies", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 19-23 October 2013, Lyon, France. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, , Vol 20, Issue 2
32- P. Geramifar, M. Shamsaie Zafarghandi and
M.R. Ay
"Variation in Thoracic Lesions SUVmax as a Function of Respiratory Phase Based on the Optical Flow Motion Estimation: A Simulation Study Using 4D XCAT Phantom", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 19-23 October 2013, Lyon, France. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, Vol 20, Issue 2
33- P. Khateri, H. Salighe Rad, A.H. Jafari and
M.R. Ay
"A Novel Segmentation Approach for Implementation of MRAC in Head and Neck PET/MRI Imaging Employing Short-TE MRI and 2-Point Dixon Method in Fuzzy C-Means Framework", PSMR 2013 MR-PET Workshop, Jülich, Germany, 6-7 May –2013
M.R. Ay
, Akbarzadeh A, Ahmadian and Zaidi H "Classification of bones from MR images in torso PET-MR imaging using a statistical shape model", PSMR 2013 MR-PET Workshop, Jülich, Germany, 6-7 May –2013
35- H. Ghadiri, M.B. Shiran, H.R. Soltanian-Zadeh and
M.R. Ay
"A new energy mapping algorithm based on spectral CT images: application in PET/CT attenuation correction", Iranian Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, May 1-3, 2013
36- V.Moji, M. Aghamiri, H. Farahani, N. Zeratkar, S. Sajedi, B. Teymorian and
M.R. Ay
"Performance evaluation of HiReSPECT a dedicated animal SPECT system using modified NEMA standards", Iranian Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, May 1-3, 2013
37- H. Mahani, A. R. Kamali-Asl, V. Moslemi,
M.R. Ay
"Spatial Resolution and System Sensitivity in a Tilted-Head Planar-SPECT: a Monte Carlo Study", Iranian Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, May 1-3, 2013
38- N. Zeraatkar, M. H. Farahani, H. Arabi, S. Sarkar, S. Sajedi, N. Naderi, P. Ghafarian, A. Rahmim and
M.R. Ay
"An Innovative Rotation-Based Iterative Resolution Recovery for HiReSPECT™: a Dedicated Small Animal SPECT System", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S386-S387
M.R. Ay
, H. Arabi, M. H. Farahani, N. Zeraatkar, S. Sarkar, S. Sajed, N. Naderi and P. Ghafaian "Design and Development of a High Resolution Small Animal Imaging System for Mice and Rat", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S441
40- P. Khareti, H. Salighe Rad, and
M.R. Ay
"Determination of Attenuation Map at 511 keV Employing 3D Short Echo-Time MR Imaging in the Head Area: Application in MR-Based AC of PET data", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S369
41- S. Sajedi,
M.R. Ay
, M. H. Farahani, N. Zeraatkar, H. Arabi, and N. Naderi "Digital signal processing unit for nuclear detection system", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S498
42- M. Sedighpoor, P. Ghafarian, A. Emami,
M.R. Ay
"Evaluation of the influence of respiratory motion misalignment between PET and CT data on diagnosis of heart defects using 4D XCAT phantom and STIR reconstruction", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S515
43- L. Saleki, A. Bitarafan-Rajabi, N. Yaghobi, B. Falahi, and
M.R. Ay
"Quantification of the influence of misregistration between CT and SPECT images on the accuracy of CT-based attenuation correction of cardiac images in hybrid SPECT/CT systems", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S518
44- P. Geramifar, M. Shamsaie Zafarghandi,
M.R. Ay
"Standardized Uptake Value-Based Evaluations of Respiratory-Induced Errors in CTAC PET Images: A Simulation Study Using 4D XCAT Phantom", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S403
M.R. Ay
, H. Arabi, M. H. Farahani, N. Zeraatkar, S. Sarkar, S. Sajed, N. Naderi and P. Ghafaian "SURGEOSIGHT-TM: An Intraoprative Hand Held Gamma Camera for Precise Localization of Sentine Lymph Nodes", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S385
46- N. Ghazanfari,
M.R. Ay
, S.Sarkar and G.Loudos "The influence of crystal material and size on the performance of partial-rotating dual head small animal PET scanners: Quantitative evaluation using Monte Carlo modeling", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S442
47- A. Emami-Ardekani, F. Kalantari, H. Rajabi,
M.R. Ay
, A. Fard, M. Eftekhari "The influence of resolution recovery during image reconstruction on quantitative brain SPECT imaging", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 27-31 October 2012, Milan, Itly. Eur J Nucl Med Mol, S500
48- P. Khareti, H. Salighe Rad, A. Fathi and
M.R. Ay
"Generation of attenuation map for MR-based attenuation correction of PET data in the head area employing 3D short echo time MR imaging", Proc. PSMR Conference, Isola de Elba, Italy 26-30 May , p. 70, 2012
49- A. Mehranian, H. S. Rad,
M.R. Ay
, and A. Rahmim "3D TV-Based Compressed MR Image Reconstruction Using a Primal Dual Algorithm", Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., vol. 20, pp. 4228, 2012
50- A. Mehranian, A. Rahmim, and
M.R. Ay
"A proximal splitting algorithm for TV-regularized PET image reconstruction", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 43, 2012
51- M. Khamesi, A. Kamali Asl, M. Masoudi, N. Zeraatkar, and
M.R. Ay
"Development of a fully 3D image reconstruction for a pinhole animal SPECT", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 122, 2012
52- N. Zeraatkar, M. H. Farahani, H. Arabi, S. Sarkar, S. Sajedi, A. Rahmim, and
M.R. Ay
"Development of image reconstruction code with collimator-detector response function compensation for a preclinical SPECT scanner", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 36, 2012
53- A. Rahmim, Y. Zhou, J. Price, J. Tang, L. Lu,
M.R. Ay
, G. Smith, V. Sossi, and D. Wong "Generalized 4D AB-OSEM direct parametric imaging: application to PiB-PET", J. Nucl. Med., vol. 53 (suppl. 1): 313, 2012
54- H. Arabi, M. H. Farahani, N. Zeraatkar, S. Sarkar, S. Sajedi, A. Rahmim, P. Ghafarian and
M.R. Ay
"High resolution small animal SPECT: HiReSPECT for preclinical imaging", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 93, 2012
M.R. Ay
"HiReSPECT an in house high resolution SPECT imaging system", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 10, 2012
56- S. Sajedi, M. H. Farahani, H. Arabi, N. Zeraatkar, and
M.R. Ay
"Implementation of data acquisition board with digital signal processing capability for nuclear imaging and spectrometry devices", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 39, 2012
57- A. Emami, H. Ghadiri, P. Ghafarian and
M.R. Ay
"QCT technique optimization by dual energy CT", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 125, 2012
58- M. Sedigpoor,
M.R. Ay
, P. Ghafarian, P. Farnia "Quantification of the influence of respiratory motion induced misalignment between PET and CT data on diagnosis of heart disease in cardiac PET/CT imaging", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 129, 2012
59- H. Ghadiri, M.B. Shiran, H. Zaidi, H. Soltanian Zadeh and
M.R. Ay
"The accuracy of dual energy mapping approach in CTAC in presence of low concentration of contract agent", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 60, 2012
60- M. Masoudi, A. Kamali Asl, M. Khamesi, H. Arabi and
M.R. Ay
"The influence of opening angels and collimator material on the spatial resolution of pinhole collimator in animal SPECT imaging", Proc. Asia Oceania Congress of Nucl. Med. & Biology, vol. 20 (suppl. 1), p. 122, 2012
61- F. Vedaei,
M.R. Ay
, A. Kamali asl, F. Kalantari "Assessment of the impact of applying attenuation correction on the accuracy of activity recovery in TC99m-ECD brain SPECT of healthy subject using statistical parameter mapping", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 92
62- N. Ghazanfari,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar and G. Lodous "Assessment of the influence of crystal material and size on the performance of dual head small animal PET scanners", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 108
63- H. Ghadiri, M. Shiran,
M.R. Ay
, H. Zaidi, H. Soltanian Zadeh "Bone material decomposition by energy resolved CT-based attenuation correction of PET", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 98
64- P. Ghafarian,
M.R. Ay
and J. Hassani "Correction of contrast agent induced srtifacts in CT-based attenuation correction of cardiac PET data using a semi-automated segmentation algorithm", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 110
65- A. Emami, H. Ghadiri,
M.R. Ay
, S. Akhlagpour, P. Ghafarian and S. Taghizadeh "Is percentage error of bone density determined by DEXA technique influenced by density?", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 88
66- F. Adibpour,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar and G. Lodous "Photon scatter and penetration in parallel hole collimator in preclinical Gamma Camera: A Monte Carlo study", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 147
67- M.R. Teimoori, Sh. Akhlagpour,
M.R. Ay
, F. Kalantari and M. Amoui "Quantification of bremsstrahlung images with respect to post radioemoblization liver dosimetry", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 103
68- A. Anvari,
M.R. Ay
and B. Fallahi "The influence of misalignment between PET and CT images on the accuracy of CT-based attenuation correction in thorax imaging: a simuation study", 3th International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 2011, pp 190
69- A. Rahmim, J. Tang, H. Muhy-ud-Din,
M.R. Ay
, and M. A. Lodge "Use of optimization transfer for enhanced direct 4D parametric imaging in myocardial perfusion PET", Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Annual Meeting, 2011, San Antonio, Texas, USA, J. Nucl. Med., vol. 52 (Supplement 1): 265, 2011
70- E. Saeedzadeh, A. Abbaspour, S. Sarkar,
M.R. Ay
, H.R. Khosravi "Accurate 3D Dosimetry for Internal Radiotherapy by Considering the Effect of Nonuniform Activity Distribution", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 112
71- E. Saeed Zadeh, S. Sarkar, A. Abbaspour,
M.R. Ay
, H. Khosravi, G. Lodus "Accurate 3D-Dosimetry for Internal Radiotherapy with 131I Using GATE Monte Carlo Code", 9th Iranian Congress of Medical Physics, Tehran, Iran, 2010, pp 116
72- N. Zeraatkar,
M.R. Ay
, A.R. Kamali-Asl, H. Zaidi "Accurate Modeling for Monte Carlo Based Performance Evaluation of The PET Subsystem of the FLEX Triumph Priclinical PET/CT Scanner Using NEMA NU-4 Standard", 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, South Africa, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 9, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. S-163
M.R. Ay
"Advances in Multimodality Molecular Imaging Instrumentation", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 77
74- N. Ghazanfari,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar and G. Loudos "Assessment of the Influence of Crystal Material and Size on the Sensitivity of Dual Head Small Animal PET Scanner", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 120
75- P. Ghafarian, S.M.R. Aghamiri,
M.R. Ay
, A. Fard Esfahani and H. Zaidi "Assessment of the Influence of PET and CT Data Misalignment Errors in Cardiac PET/CT Examination: Patient and Phantom Studies", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 81
76- P. Ghafarian, S.M.R. Aghamiri,
M.R. Ay
, B. Fallahi, A. Rahmim, T. Schindler, O. Ratib and H. Zaidi "Coronary Calcium Score Scan-Based Attenuation Correction in Viability PET Examination: A Feasibility Study", 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 9, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. S-16
77- M. Mollazadeh, , M. Allahverdi, T. Pourfallah, N. Riahi Alam,
M.R. Ay
"Evaluation of Dose Distribution in Co-60 Machine Using Radicromic Film and Monte Carlo", 16th Conference of Biomedical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2010, PP. 157
78- P. Ghafarian, S.M.R. Aghamiri,
M.R. Ay
, A. Fard Esfahani, A. Rahmim, T.H. Schindler, O. Ratib and H. Zaidi "Impact of Metal Artifact Reduction on Cardiac FDG-PET/CT Studies in the Presence pf pacemaker and Implantable Cardio Verter Defibrator Leads", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 104
79- M. Akbari,
M.R. Ay
, A. Kamali Asl, H. Ghadiri "Implementation and Comparison of to Empirical Methods for Calculation of MTF in CT", 16th Conference of Biomedical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2010, PP. 155
80- M. Abdoli,
M.R. Ay
, A. Ahmadian, R.A. Dierckx and H. Zaidi "Optimization of weighted virtual sinogram-based metal artifact reduction in CT-based attenuation correction of PET data using a genetic algorithm", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 9-13 October 2010, Vienna, Austria. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 37, Suppl. 1, (2010)
81- F. Adibpour,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar and G. Loudos "Performance Assessment and Optimization of Pixelated Gamma Camera with Small Field of View: A Monte Carlo Study", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 116
M.R. Ay
, A. Mehranian, P. Ghafarian, M. Abdoli and H. Zaidi "Quantification and Correction of Metallic Artifact Arising from Implantable cardiac Pacing Devices in PET/CT Studies: A Phantom Study", 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, South Africa, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 9, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. S-20
83- N. Zeraatkar,
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, A. Rahmim, P. Geramifar "Quantification of Inter Crystal Scatter and Parallax Events in LYSO-Based Discovery RX PET/CT Scanner: A Monte Carlo Study", 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, South Africa, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 9, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. S-158
84- Z. Anvari,
M.R. Ay
, B. Fallahi, F. Buther "Quantification of Respiratory Induced Artifact in CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET Data: A Simulation Study", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 79
85- H. Arabi, N. Zeratkar,
M.R. Ay
, H. Zaidi "Quantitative Assessment if Inter-Crystal Scatter and Penetration in the PET Subsystem of the FLEX Triumph Preclinical Multi-Modality Scanner", The International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Mashhad, Iran, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 18, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. 40
86- E. Saeed Zadeh, S. Sarkar, A. Abbaspour,
M.R. Ay
, H. Khosravi, G. Lodus "The Effect of Nonuniform Activity Distribution in Three-Dimensional Dosimetry for Internal Radiotherapy with 131I", 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, South Africa, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 9, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. S-30
87- M. Habibzadeh,
M.R. Ay
, A. Kamali Asl, H. Ghadiri "The Influence of Patient Miscentering of Patient Dose and Image Noise in Two Commercial CT Scanners", 16th Conference of Biomedical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2010, PP. 158
88- B. Teimourian,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaei Zafarghandi, H. Ghadiri and H. Zaidi "Virtual Dual Energy CT (VDECT): A Novel Approach for Improved Energy Mapping in CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET Data", 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, South Africa, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 9, Supp. 1, 2010, pp. S-33
89- M. Abdoli,
M.R. Ay
, A. Ahmadian and H. Zaidi "Comparative assessment of image- and virtual sinogram-based metal artefact reduction techniques for CT-based attenuation correction in PET", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 10-14 October 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 36, Suppl. 1, pp S226
90- S. Lashkari, S. Sarkar,
M.R. Ay
and A. Rahmim "The Effect of Crystal Size on Position Detection Accuracy in PET Block Detectors: A Monte Carlo Study", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 10-14 October 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 36, Suppl. 1, pp S409
M.R. Ay
"Challenges for Planning and Running a PET/CT and Cyclotron Facility", International Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Tabriz, Iran, 23-25 September, 2009, pp. 10
92- P. Ghafarian, S.M.R. Aghamiri, M.R. Ay, A. Rahmim and H. Zaidi "CT Based Attenuation Correction in Cardiac PET/CT Using Calcium Score CT Image: A Feasibility Study", International Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Tabriz, Iran, 23-25 September, 2009, pp. 9
, M. Shirmohammad, S. Sarkar, A. Rahmim, H. Zaidi "Implementation and comparison of different energy mapping approaches in CT-based attenuation correction of PET", International Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Tabriz, Iran, 23-25 September, 2009, pp. 51
94- B. Teimourian,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaei Zafarghandi "Implementation of Dual Energy Mapping Techniques in CT-Based Attenuation Correction Method Using Single Energy Imaging: A Novel Approach for Reducing Patient Dose", International Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Tabriz, Iran, 23-25 September, 2009, pp. 52
M.R. Ay
"Strategies for Attenuation Correction in PET/CT and PET/MRI", International Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Tabriz, Iran, 23-25 September, 2009, pp. 8
96- E. Saeedzadeh, S. Sarkar, A. Abbaspour Tehrani-Fard,
M.R. Ay
, H.R. Khosravi "Validation of the GATE Monte Carlo Code in Evaluation of Organ Doses Calculation in Zubal Voxelized Phantom", International Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Tabriz, Iran, 23-25 September, 2009, pp. 50
97- M. Zabih Zadeh,
M.R. Ay
, M. Allahverdi, A. Mesbahi, S.R. Mahdavi and M. Shahriari "Monte Carlo Estimation of Photoneotrons Contamination from High Energy Medical Accelerator in Treatment Room and Maze", 10th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Maastricht, August 30 – September 3, 2009
98- L. Karimiafshar, N. Riahi Alanm and
M.R. Ay
"Evaluation of polymer gel dosimetry based on MRI imaging for measurement of CTDI in 64 slice CT scanner", 1st Congress of Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 19-20 February 2009, Tehran, Iran
M.R. Ay
"PET/CT: Site Planning and Shielding Calculation", 1st Congress of Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 19-20 February 2009, Tehran, Iran, 43-44
100- M. Shafaee,
M.R. Ay
and D. Sardari "Characterization of Scatter and Penetration Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Ga-67 Imaging", 9th ASIA Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Oct 31st - Nov 4th, 2008, New Delhi, India, Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol 23, p.171
101- M. Shirmohammad,
M.R. Ay
, A. Rahmim A, S. Sarkar and H. Zaidi "A novel energy mapping method for attenuation map generation at 511 keV in computed tomography based attenuation correction", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 11-15 October 2008, Munich, Germany. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 35, Suppl. 2, S146
102- P. Geramifar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaii Zafarghandi,G. Lodous, A. Rahmim "Monte Carlo Simulation of The GE LYSO-Based Discovery RX PET/CT Scanner Using GATE: a Validation Study", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 11-15 October 2008, Munich, Germany. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 35, Suppl. 2, S175-176
103- S. Lashkari, S. Sarkar,
M.R. Ay
and A. Rahmim "The Influence of Crystal Depth on Position Detection Accuracy and Detection Efficiency in PET Block Detector: A Monte Carlo Study", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 11-15 October 2008, Munich, Germany. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 35, Suppl. 2, S337-338
104- A. Rahmim, J. Tang, M. A. Lodge, S. Lashkari,
M.R. Ay
, R. Lautamaki, B. M. Tsui, and F. Bengel "Improved clinical and quantitative dynamic Rb-82 cardiac imaging with resolution modelling", J. Nucl. Med., vol. 49 (Supplement 1): 62P, 2008
M.R. Ay
, J.H. Bidgoli, S. Sarkar and A. Ahmadian "Automatic Segmentation of Oral Contrast Enhanced CT Images for Artifact Free Attenuation Correction in PET/CT", European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, 13-19 October 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, Vol 34, Suppl 2, S115
106- M. Shafaee,
M.R. Ay
, D. Sardari "Evaluation of Scatter and penetration in HEGP Collimator in DST Xli Gamma Camera During I131 Imaging", 14th Iranian Nuclear Science Conference, Yazd, Iran, 2007, P.111
107- P. Geramifar,
M.R. Ay
, M. Shamsaei "Validation and Performance Evaluation of Discovery Rx whole Body PET/CT Scanner Using GATE", 14th Iranian Nuclear Science Conference, Yazd, Iran, 2007, P.33
M.R. Ay
and H Zaidi "Characterization of sources of artefact when using CT-based attenuation correction in PET", 7th annual congress of the Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine (SSNM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-3 June 2006, Nuklearmedizin Vol 45, p. A139
M.R. Ay
and H Zaidi "Assessment of the impact of x-ray tube voltage on quantitative analysis of neurological PET when using CT-based attenuation correction", 1st European conference in Molecular Imaging Technology, Marseille, France, 9-12 May 2006, p. 22
M.R. Ay
, S. Sarkar, M. Shahriari, and P. Ghafarian "Estimating of patient dose in abdomen-pelvis CT exam as a function of scan techniques in single and multi-slice speiral CT by Monte Carlo method", 2th International Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology in Iran. Shiraz, Iran, 27-30 April 2004, p. 46
M.R. Ay
, M. Shahriari, S. Sarkar, and P. Ghafarian "Measurement of organ dose in abdomen-pelvis CT exams as a function of mA, KVp and scanner type by Monte Carlo method", 3ed International Conference of The Effect of Low and Very Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation on Human Health. Tehran, Iran , 21-23 October 2003, p. 53
M.R. Ay
, M. Adib, and H. Zaidi "Development of a Monte Carlo simulation package for scintillation cameras operation in single photon and coincidence imaging mode", Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM03). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23-28 August 2003, p. S326-S327
M.R. Ay
"Image fusion in nuclear medicine", 7th Annual Meeting of Nuclear Medicine. Tehran, Iran, 2003: p. 45
M.R. Ay
"Comparison of PET detectors", 6th Annual Meeting of Nuclear Medicine. Mashhad, Iran 2002, p. 31
M.R. Ay
"Steps toward building a PET center", 6th Annual Meeting of Nuclear Medicine. Mashhad, Iran 2002, p. 29
M.R. Ay
and M.E. Ashrafi "Providing software for PET (Coincidence) 3D simulation using Monte Carlo method", International Conference on Radiation and its Role in Diagnosis and Treatment (FICR2000). Tehran, Iran, 14-18 October 2000, p. 51
Developed Packages
M.R. Ay
et al. MCNP4C-based Monte Carlo simulator for fan- and cone-beam x-ray CT, Presented in 14th International Conference of Medical Physics (ICMP 2005). Nuremberg, Germany, Sept. 14-17
M.R. Ay
et al. Monte Carlo Simulation Package for Scintillation Cameras Operation in Single photon and Coincidence Imaging mode, Presented in Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine(EANM03), 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands
M.R. Ay
et al. Implementation of an X-ray Spectra Database in Diagnostic Radiology Energy Range Based on all computational Models
M.R. Ay
et al. Implementation of an X-ray Spectra Database in Mammography Energy Range Based on all computational Models
Thesis Directed
1- ''Development of Molecular PET/CT imaging-based IMRT Treatment Planning and quantification of the impact of image reconstruction algorithms on local tumor control'', 2015, PhD Thesis
2- ''Design, modeling and performance evaluation of dedicated brain positron emission tomography with high resolution and sensitivity using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2015, PhD Thesis
3- ''Design, modeling and performance evaluation of small animal PETusing Monte Carlo simulation'', 2015, PhD Thesis
4- ''Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Rotating Slit-Hole Collimator for Small-Animal SPECT Imaging'', 2014, PhD Thesis
5- ''A Novel hybrid method (protocol design and image segmentation) for generation of attenuation map at 511 keV from MR images in pelvis region for MR-based Attenuation correction in PET/MRI systems'', 2014, PhD Thesis
6- ''Implementation of quantitative analysis capability on the high resolution SPECT images in HiReSPECT system'', 2014, MSc Thesis
7- ''Motion compensation in cardiac SPECT imaging'', 2014, MSc Thesis
8- ''Design and optimization of oncologic imaging protocol in Dsicovery 690 PET/CT scanner based on clinical and phantom study'', 2013, MSc Thesis
9- ''Evaluation of the benefits of time of flight technique in PET imaging using quantitative and qualitative analysis of clinical and phantom images'', 2013, MSc Thesis
10- ''Design and Implementation of Performance Evaluation Protocol for PET/CT scanner based on International Standards'', 2013, MSc Thesis
11- ''Design, modeling and performance evaluation of small animal SPECT device with oblique detectors using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2012, MSc Thesis
12- ''Performance evaluation and optimization of a small field of view gamma camera and gamma probe used for the lymph nodes surgery using experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulation'', 2012, MSc Thesis
13- ''Quantification and Correction of Metal Artifacts Arising from Pacemaker and ICD Leads in CT-based Attenuation Correction of Cardiac SPECT Imaging'', 2012, MSc Thesis
14- ''Designing, modeling and performance evaluation of micro-CT for small animal imaging using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2012, MSc Thesis
15- ''Implementation of Attenuation Correction Algorithm For Small Animal SPECT Imaging Using Atlas-Based Methods'', 2012, MSc Thesis
16- ''Quantification of the influence of misregistration between CT and SPECT images on the accuracy of CT-based attenuation correction of cardiac images in hybrid SPECT/CT systems'', 2011, MSc Thesis
17- ''Generation of Attenuation Map from MR images for Attenuation-Correction of PET data in Head Area: Focusing on Segmentation of Bone from Air Cavities'', 2011, MSc Thesis
18- ''Quantification of the influence of respiratory and cardiac motion induced mis alignment between CT and PET data of diagnosis accuracy of hart disease in cardiac PET/CT imaging'', 2010, MSc Thesis
19- ''Generation of attenuation map for hybrid PET/MRI systems using MRI image segmentation of torso based on bones morphology'', 2010, PhD Thesis
20- ''Reduction of Respiratory Induced Artifact in PET/CT Imaging Using Virtual Average CT'', 2010, PhD Thesis
21- ''Improving the Accuracy of Energy mapping algorithm in CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET data Using Energy Sensitive CT'', 2010, PhD Thesis
22- ''Design and Performance Evaluation of Small Animal Gamma Camera Detection System Based on Pixelated Crystal Using Monte Carlo Simulation'', 2009, MSc Thesis
23- ''Modeling and optimization of detection system in multiple head small animal PET scanner using Monte Carlo method'', 2009, MSc Thesis
24- ''Quantification of Respiratory Induced Artifact in CT- Based Attenuation Correction of PET Data Using NCAT Phantom and Analytic Modeling in Lung Imaging'', 2009, MSc Thesis
25- ''A Novel Approach for Implementation of Dual Energy Mapping Technique in CT-Based Attenuation Correction Using Single kVP Imaging: A Feasibility Study'', 2008, MSc Thesis
26- ''Monte Carlo Characterization of Scattered Radiation in 64 Volumetric CT Using GATE'', 2008, MSc Thesis
27- ''Monte Carlo Modeling of RRPET Using GATE'', 2008, MSc Thesis
28- ''Noise Reduction on Ultra Low Dose CT images'', 2008, MSc Thesis
29- ''Dual Energy CT Imaging: Application in CT Based Attenuation Correction in PET ", Supervisor'', 2008, MSc Thesis
30- ''Monte Carlo assessment of the Influence of X-Ray Anode Surface Roughness on X-ray Spectra'', 2008, MSc Thesis
31- ''CTDI Measurement using gel dosimetry in 64 slice CT scanner'', 2008, MSc Thesis
32- ''Monte Carlo Assessment of photonutron contamination in Medical linear Accelerators'', 2008, PhD Thesis
33- ''Reduction of Dental Filling Artifact in CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET Images'', 2008, MSc Thesis
34- ''Comparative assessment of different energy mapping methods for generation of attenuation map at 511 keV from CT images in hybrid PET/CT systems'', 2007, MSc Thesis
35- ''Optimization of dedicated gamma camera for high performance breast tumor imaging using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2007, PhD Thesis
36- ''Calculation of scatter profile in 64 slice CT scanners using experimental measurement and Monte Carlo simulation'', 2007, MSc Thesis
37- ''Improvement of image quality and patient’s dose reduction in 64 slice CT scanner by optimization of x-ray spectra filtration using experimental measurement and Monte Carlo simulation'', 2007, MSc Thesis
38- ''Monte Carlo assessment of the impact of inter crystal scattering on PET scanner’s PSF as a function of crystal size and material'', 2006, MSc Thesis
39- ''Evaluation of Scatter and Septal Penetration Components in LEGP and HEGP Collimator Using Monte Carlo Simulation'', 2006, MSc Thesis
40- ''Monte Carlo modeling and performance prediction of slit-slat collimator in low energy SPECT imaging using GATE'', 2006, MSc Thesis
41- ''Monte Carlo investigation of Time-of-Flight benefits for fully 3D PET'', 2006, MSc Thesis
42- ''Contraction motion compensation in gated myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging using 3D morphing technique'', 2016, MSc Thesis
43- ''Design, Optimization, and Performance Evaluation of a Rotating Slit-Hole Collimator for Small-Animal SPECT Imaging'', 2016, PhD Thesis
44- ''Quantification of the impact of image reconstruction techniques on the accuracy of molecular PET/CT-based treatment planning using radiobiological modeling'', 2017, PhD Thesis
45- ''Design and Performance Assessment of a Desktop Animal SPECT using Tilted Detectors and Pinhole Collimator'', 2017 PhD Thesis
46- ''Design and implementation of a PET detection module with positioning and time stamping capability of coincidence photons based on SiPM technology'', 2017 PhD Thesis
47- ''Design and evaluation of PET by using of SiPM and continuous crystal based on Monte Carlo simulation'', 2018 MSc Thesis
48- ''Design, modeling and performance evaluation of high sensitivity and high resolution dedicated brain positron emission tomography using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2018 PhD Thesis
49- ''Design and optimization of a novel dedicated breast PET scanner based on partial geometry concept using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2019 PhD Thesis
50- ''Quantitative evaluation of the effect of random coincidence rates on the quality of PET images in whole-body imaging'', 2019 MSc Thesis
51- ''Whole Body PET Attenuation correction with Deep convolutional Networks'', 2018 PhD Thesis
52- ''Optimization and improvement the quantitation accuracy in small animal PET imaging system( Xtrim-PET )'', 2019 PhD Thesis
53- ''Design, Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Continuous Bed Motion (CBM) micro-PET'', 2020 PhD Thesis
54- ''A new approach for attenuation correction of SPECT data in the dedicated cardiac ProSPECT scanner using emission data only'', 2020 PhD Thesis
55- ''Quantitative analysis of Radiomics feature in PET-CT for improving diagnosis of benign and malignant in lung cancer '', 2020 MSc Thesis
56- ''Quantification & calibrations of errors of “SUV” value measurement in PET-CT system: A multicenter study'', 2020 MSc Thesis
57- '' Proposing a new method based on radiomics modeling for predicting uncomplicated tumor control probability in neoadjoant chemo-radiotherapy rectal cancer using EUS/CT/MRI images'', 2020 PhD thesis
58- ''Quantification and optimization of the effect of preparation, imaging, image processing, and quantitative image analysis parameters on the results of 18F-FDG -PET scan of the breast cancer model (4T1 cell line) in BALB/c mice'', 2021 PhD thesis
59- ''Quantification and optimization of Xtrim PET preclinical imaging system data via using deep learning methods.'', 2021 PhD thesis
60- '': Design and development of quantitative image reconstruction algorithm in dedicated brain PET scanner'', 2021 PhD thesis
61- ''Design and performance evaluation of multi-pinhole collimator in a high-resolution microSPECT system using Monte Carlo simulation'', 2022 PhD thesis
62- ''Generation of Attenuation Map from MR images for Attenuation Correction of PET data in Head Area: Application in dedicated brain PET scanner'', 2022 MSc thesis
Review Boards
Scientific Reviewer, IEEE Tran. Nuclear Sciences
Scientific Reviewer, German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Scientific Reviewer, Journal of Medical Imaging
Scientific Reviewer, Medical Physics Official Journal of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
Scientific Reviewer, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Scientific Reviewer, Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
Scientific Reviewer, Current Medical Imaging Reviews
Scientific Reviewer, Physics in Medicine and Biology
Scientific Reviewer, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Scientific Reviewer, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Scientific Reviewer, Iranian Journal of Medical Physics
Scientific Reviewer, Iranian Journal of Radiation Research
Scientific Reviewer, Iranian Journal of Radiology
Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Member of European Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EANM)
Member of Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
Member of Iranian Association of Medical Physics (IAMP)
Fellow Member of International Union Against Cancer (UICC)
Member of Consortium of Computational Human Phantoms (CCHP)
Member of Consortium of Computational Human Phantoms (CCHP)
Member of Iranian Association of Nuclear Medicine
Member of Iranian Association of Biomedical engineering
Member of International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP)
Member of European Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics (EFOMP)
Member of European Society for Engineering and Medicine
MRI-based attenuation correction in PET/MRI
Preclinical Imaging
Multimodality Imaging
High resolution animal imaging
CT-based attenuation correction in PET and SPECT
Monte Carlo simulation of imaging systems
Monte Carlo Simulation of CT Scanner Using MCNP
Monte Carlo simulation of X-ray spectra
Monte Carlo Simulation of PET Scanner by Eidolon
Development of Monte Carlo Simulation Package
Image Reconstruction
Medical Image Fusion
Quantitative Analysis of PET and PET/CT images
Quality Control of Nuclear Medicine Imaging systems
Shielding Design
Professional Experience
2010 - Present, CEO and Founder
Parto Negar Persia Co.
2012 - Present, Head of Research center for Molecular and Cellular Imaging
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2013 - Present, Radiation Safety Officer
Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2008 - 2012, Deputy of Education
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2008 - 2010, Deputy of Research Affairs
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2008 - 2010, Deputy of International Affairs
Research Center for Science and Technology in Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2008 - Present, Head of Medical Imaging Systems Research Group
Research Center for Science and Technology in Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2004 - Present, Assistant Researcher
PET Instrumentation & Neuroimaging Laboratory, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
2005 - 2006, Medical Image Fusion expert
Collaboration with radiotherapy department, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
2001 - 2004, NM/PET group supervisor
- Installation of Gamma Camera in Lahore, Pakistan (1 Unit)
- Installation of Gamma Camera in Iran (5 Unit)
- Service and maintenance of Gamma camera (10 Unit)
1997 - 2004, General Electric Healthcare Authorized Agent in Iran
1999 - 2001, Vascular group supervisor
- Installation of LC+ Cardiac Angiography System in Iran (4 Unit)
- Installation of LCA Peripheral Angiography System in Iran (1 Unit)
- Service and maintenance of vascular systems (11 Unit)
1997 - 1999, CT scanner group service senior engineer
- Installation of Spiral and Conventional CT scanner in Iran (20 Unit)
- Service and maintenance of CT scanner systems (70 Unit)
Training Courses Taken
15th Aug - 19th Aug 2011, GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, USA
PET discovery 600 series service training
8th Aug - 12th Aug 2011, GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, USA
PET basic service training
1th Aug - 5th Aug 2011, GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, USA
CT LightSpeed VCT full service training
18th July - 29th July 2011, GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, USA
CT LightSpeed Pro full service training
14th Feb - 25th Feb 2011, GE Healthcare Technologies, Uppsala, Sweden
Minitrace Cyclotron service training
8th Feb - 11th Feb 2011, GE Healthcare Technologies, Uppsala, Sweden
Tracelab Mx FDG service training
24th Jan - 28th Jan 2011, University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
Small animal imaging workshop
5th May - 9th May 2008, Accuray Incorporation Europe- Paris- France
Cyberknife Training Program
25th Oct - 17th Nov 2002, GE Medical Systems - Lausanne, Zurich - Switzerland
PET and PET/CT Maintenance and Quality Control (Job Training)
15th Jul - 27th Jul 2002, GE Medical Systems – Paris - France
Gamma Camera (DST-Xli) Maintenance and Quality Control
2th Jun - 28th Aug 2002, Isiran Institute – Tehran – Iran
Unix Administration (24 Hours)
14th Jan - 10th Mar 2002, Isiran Institute – Tehran – Iran
TCP/IP (24 Hours)
2th Feb - 7th Feb 2002, Atomic Energy Organization – Karaj – Iran
Advance Monte Carlo (MCNP) training Course (50 Hours)
25th Nov - 9 Dec 2001, GE Medical Systems – Paris – France
Gamma Camera (DSX/DS7) Maintenance and Quality Control
25th Jun - 6th Jul 2001, GE Medical Systems – Paris – France
Gamma Camera (DSXi) Maintenance and Quality Control
5th Jun - 9th Jun 2001, TPP CO. (GE Medical Systems Authorized Agent) – Tehran – Iran
Vascular Systems Maintenance (Advantx LC+ & LCA)
10th Nov - 15th Nov 2000, ElmoSanat University – Tehran – Iran
Monte Carlo (MCNP) Training Course (50 Hours)
22th Sep - 5th Nov 2000, Isiran Institute – Tehran – Iran
Unix Operating System (40 Hours)
Computer Skills
Programming with C++
Programming with Fortran
Programming with Assembly Language (8051)
Monte Carlo Packages in NM/PET
Currrent Teaching
Quality Control of Nuclear Medicine Imaging systems for medical students-graduate course
Medical Imaging
Monte Carlo Simulation
Molecular Imaging Instrumentation
Nuclear Medicine
Hybrid Imaging
Quantitative Analysis in Nuclear Medicine
Medical Physics
Introduction to Tracer Production
Teaching History
Medical Physics
for medical students
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